The corrosion behavior of Q235 steel in the snow water, collected from North region, was studied by immersion, polarization curves and EIS, and the corrosion protection effect of Ni-Fe-P coating was tested. The results show that Q235 steel exhibits a general corrosion in the snow water, and the corrosion rate of Q235 steel in snow water is higher than that in tap water, because the conductivity of snow waster contained F-, Cl- and SO42-is bigger than that of tap water. Meantime, the corrosion is lower than that of 3.5%NaCl solution because of the lower ion concentration for the snow water. In addition, the corrosion rate of Q235 steel in snow water was increased with increasing temperature. The EIS display that the charged transfer resistance of Ni-Fe-P electroless coating in snow water is bigger than that of Q235 steel, which means the corrosion rate is lower, and the coating can be one of methods used corrosion protection for Q235 steel in snow water or wet and serious polluted air.