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Current Issue
2012, Vol.32 No.1  Publication date:25 March 2012
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  • Design on Digital Measuring System of Toxic and Harmful Gases Alarm
  • MU Ke, HAN Zhi-gang
  • 2012, 32 (1): 74-77.
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 447KB ) ( )   
  • Alarm verification is a new test item. Verification regulations and methods and means are necessary to be improved and perfected. At present, the works of the ventilation and reading during the detection are completed manually. Not only does it need a large number of repetitive works, and is time-consuming and laborious, but also is difficult to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of results. If you will test the stability of the instrument, then more time will be needed. So it is necessary to establish an automated detection device to accomplish the verification and calibration of the gas detector in accordance with the requirements of verification procedures. To meet these needs, a digital detection system with the alarming functional for toxic and harmful gas was designed. The system included three parts of multi-channel gas collection hardware system, mixed gas concentration identification system and detection and control system. By using the measuring technology, electronic technology and computer technology, detection efficiency, reliability and accuracy of test are all improved, and human error is also reduced. The verification regulation is further promoted through the improved detection means.
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