石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 65-70.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2019.03.011

• 油田化学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (中海油田服务股份有限公司,天津 300459)
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-14 修回日期:2018-09-21 出版日期:2019-06-06 发布日期:2019-06-18
  • 作者简介:赵健(1989-),男,硕士研究生,助理工程师,从事油气藏压裂增产技术研究及应用;E-mail:zhaojian12@cosl.com.cn
  • 基金资助:

Construction and Applicability of VES⁃YF Clean Fracturing Fluid

Zhao JianShen JinweiBao WenhuiChen LeiLi MengSun Houtai   

  1. (China Oilfield Services Limited,Tianjin 300459,China)
  • Received:2018-08-14 Revised:2018-09-21 Published:2019-06-06 Online:2019-06-18

摘要: 采用甜菜碱型两性表面活性剂YF⁃1与助表面活性剂YF⁃2复配,并在KCl作用下得到新型清洁压裂液VES⁃YF,通过测定不同浓度YF⁃1、YF⁃2、KCl对体系黏度的影响,优化出VES⁃YF清洁压裂液最佳配方(质量分数):2.0%YF⁃1+ 1.0%YF⁃2+2.0%KCl,并对体系的构筑机制和适用性能进行评价。结果表明,VES⁃YF清洁压裂液具有剪切变稀性和良好的黏弹性,流变测量显示体系中存在蠕虫状胶束网络结构,能在剪切破坏后得到恢复。VES⁃YF压裂液在45 ℃、170 s-1条件下剪切2 h后,表观黏度保持在80 mPa·s以上。体系具有携砂能力强、破胶性能良好、岩心伤害率低等优点,在低渗储层压裂改造中具有良好的应用前景。

关键词: 清洁压裂液, 蠕虫状胶束, 剪切变稀性, 黏弹性, 性能评价

Abstract: New clean fracturing fluid VES⁃YF was prepared by mixing the betain type amphoteric surfactant YF⁃1 and cosurfactant YF⁃2 with KCl. By measuring the influence of different concentration of YF⁃1, YF⁃2 and KCl on the viscosity of fracturing fluid, the optimized formulation was obtained, which is 2.0%YF⁃1+1.0%YF⁃2+2.0%KCl. The research and evaluation of the system's construction mechanism and its applicable performance were conducted. The results show that VES⁃YF clean fracturing fluid has shear thinning property and good viscoelasticity. The rheological measurement shows that the network structure of worm⁃like micelle exists in the system and can be recovered after shear failure. The apparent viscosity of VES⁃YF clean fracturing fluid is still higher than 80 mPa·s after shearing for 2 h at the temperature of 45 ℃ and the shearing rate of 170 s-1. The system has the advantages of strong sand carrying capacity, good gel breaking property and low core damage rate. VES⁃YF clean fracturing fluid has a broad application prospects in the fracturing operation of low permeability reservoir.

Key words: Clean fracturing fluid, Wormlike micelles, Shear thinning property, Viscoelasticity, Performance evaluation


赵健,申金伟,鲍文辉,陈磊,李梦,孙厚台. VES⁃YF清洁压裂液的构筑及适用性研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2019, 32(3): 65-70.

Zhao Jian,Shen Jinwei,Bao Wenhui,Chen Lei,Li Meng,Sun Houtai. Construction and Applicability of VES⁃YF Clean Fracturing Fluid[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2019, 32(3): 65-70.
