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Current Issue
2009, Vol.29 No.4  Publication date:25 December 2009
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  • Foam Flowing Mechanisms of Steam-Foam Flooding for Heavy Oil Reservoirs
  • QI Ning, LI Jin-fa, WEN Qing-zhi, QU Zhan-qing, ZHANG Gui-cai
  • 2009, 29 (4): 34-38.
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 386KB ) ( )   
  • High temperature composite flooding systems with oil-washing, profile-controlling, viscosity-reduction functions were developed. It is used to solve the severe problems which were faced in the late development stage such as heavy oil reservoirs pressure declining greatly and ineffective steam channeling in high permeability zones, etc. FCY high temperature multifunctional foamer was researched as foaming agent of high temperature composite flooding systems, and plugging capacity of foam was measured by stable method. Effects of percolation velocity on plugging pressure differential and gas percolation mechanism under the existence of foam were researched by percolation experiments. Moreover, the resistance factor foam percolation model was built up based on experiment results of foam percolation mechanism. Good consistency between results from model and experiment results was found, and shear-thinning behavior of foam is described preferably. Effect of whole parameters, such as critical water saturation, capillary number, on gas percolation was also performed, and theory support is provided for steam-foam flooding in heavy oil reservoirs. 
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