The variational inequality problem , denoted by VIP(X , F), is to find a vector x ∈ X ∈ Rn to make F(x)T(y -x)≥0,y ∈ X ∈Rn .The problem VIP(X, F)can be reformulated as a mixed nonlinear complementarity problem .A generalized Newton-like method for solving variational inequalities was presented .If (ω*)is a solution of VIP(X, F), H*0 ={ h(x *), gi(x *); i ∈ B(x *)} is of full column rank and Q(ω*)+H* H*T is apositivedefinite matrix .Ti (ω), i =1 , 2, 4 are continuously differentiable , T′i(ω), i =1 , 2, 4, satisfy Lipschitz' s condition in the neighbourhood N(ω*, δ), then the sequences{ωk}, generated by algorithm , converges Q -quadratically to VIP(X, F)' s solution ω*, and prove Q -superlinear convergence without the strict complementarity slackness condition.