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Current Issue
2016, Vol.36 No.2  Publication date:25 April 2016
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  • Application of TGNET Software in Liaohe Oil Field Shuang 6 Gas Storage

  • Zhang Shuo,Wu Ming,Niu Ran,Zhang Zhiyong
  • 2016, 36 (2): 36-39. DOI:10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2016.02.010
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 1159KB ) ( )   
  • TGNET software has been widely used in the world, it can not only simulate the single pipeline transportation simple model, but also simulate the complex technology system contain multi supply, multi loop network, multi compressors, and multi valves, et. It was a long history software for gas transmission pipeline simulation. In order to play a guiding role in the operation of nature gas transmission pipeline by TGNET software, the actual production of Shuang 6 gas storage with the TGNET software was simulated. The simulation process included: The establishment of the pipeline gathering and transportation network model; Determined the gas model, the gas state equation and the friction coefficient formula. Shuang 6 gas storage input the basic parameters of the supply, gas pipeline and delivery; Start the simulation and output results. According to the simulation results, making a comparison table of the simulated pressure values and the measured pressure values of Shuang 6 gas storage, a comparison chart of pressure was drawn. The consequences showed that the relative error was less than 4.3% between the TGNET software simulation results and the actual production pressure, obtained the result of TGNET software that was suitable for the actual production situation of Liaohe oil field Shuang 6 gas storage.

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  • Water Source in Inner Mongolia based on GIS

  • Cao Yang, Zhang Liqun, Zhang Zhihao, Yang Jingrong
  • 2016, 36 (2): 60-63. DOI:10.3696/j.issn.1672-6952.2016.02.015
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 3893KB ) ( )   
  • The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is facing the dual threat of drought, semi arid and regional water source environmental safety for a long time. Moreover, the technology for environmental safety management is seriously outdated. In this paper, we have established the basic database of the surface morphology, hydrology, water quality, pollution sources, fracture surface and spatial water source environmental information in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In consideration of the strong spatial characteristics of the water source environmental information, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region water environmental safety management information system is developed on the ArcGIS network platform with C++ language and B/S architecturein this paper. The system not only achieves the visual computer management of the spatial information of water source but also provides guidance for the division of water source and water source protection management combining with water source and environmental monitoring, pollution sources and other data for the environmental safety analysis. Using the developed method in some cities of Inner Mongolia, the system shows strong practicability, information display intuitive and good universality, which provides effective decision support for environmental safety, high efficiency management and early warning of the water source in the autonomous region.

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