›› 2017, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 27-30.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2017.01.006

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Research of Decreasing Injection Pressure and Increasing Injection Rate by Petroleum Sulfonate-Based Surfactant in Xingnan Oilfield


  • Received:2016-09-12 Revised:2016-11-01 Published:2017-02-24 Online:2017-02-28


曹广胜1,李 泽1,李 乔2,白玉杰1,张先强1,刘 洋3   

  1. 1.东北石油大学提高油气采收率教育部重点实验室,黑龙江大庆163318;2.大庆油田有限责任公司第五采油厂,黑龙江大庆163513;3.大庆油田有限责任公司第一采油厂,黑龙江大庆163001
  • 通讯作者: 李泽(1991-),男,硕士研究生,从事采油采气工程理论与技术研究;E-mail:458599205@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:曹广胜(1966-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,从事采油采气化学理论与工程的研究;E-mail:caoguangsheng@nepu.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:


The Taibei block of Xingnan oilfield is a typical extra low-permeability and strong sensitivity reservoir, which has many characters, such as low porosity, low permeability and severe heterogeneity. During water flooding of the Taibei block of Xingnan oilfield, the rapidly-increasing pressure in injecting wells and the rapidly-decreasing pressure in producing wells occurred. In order to abate these problems, in this paper, technology of decreasing injection pressure and increasing injection rate by petroleum sulfonate-based surfactant was studied.The petroleum sulfonate was selected as the main chemical agent, assisted by various additives. By IFT measurement of oil and surfactant solution and core simulation displacement experiment, the chemical agent formula used for decreasing injection pressure and increasing injection rate was developed, and the injection parameters were optimized.The results showed that the formula system was 0.7%XPS+0.9%6501+1.2%Na2CO3+0.5%NBA, the IFT between the Taibei block oil and formula system was 8.61×10-3mN/m, the best concentration of agent was 0.5%, the best injection volume was 0.5 PV, and the ratio of decreasing injecting pressure was 18.37%.

Key words: Xingnan oilfield, Extra low permeable reservoir, Petroleum sulfonate, Decompression and augmented injection

摘要: 杏南油田太北区块为典型的低渗透砂岩储层,其具有低孔低渗、非均质严重、储层敏感性强等特性,在生产过程中出现了注水压力上升快、生产井压力和产量下降快等问题。为了缓解这些问题,进行表面活性剂降压增注技术研究,以石油磺酸盐为主剂,通过添加各种助剂,依据测定油水界面张力和岩心模拟降压实验,研究了降压增注表面活性剂体系配方,优化了注入参数,达到了降压增注的效果。结果表明,所研制的配方体系(质量分数)为0.7% XPS+0.9%椰子油二乙醇酰胺+1.2%Na2CO3 +0.5% NBA,与太北区块原油间的界面张力为8.61×10-3mN/m;在室内岩心驱替中,降压增注表面活性剂溶液的最佳注入质量分数为0.5%,最佳注入量为0.5PV,降压率

关键词: 杏南油田, 特低渗透油藏, 表面活性剂, 石油磺酸盐, 降压增注

Cite this article

CaoGuangsheng,LiZe,LiQiao,BaiYujie,ZhangXianqiang. Research of Decreasing Injection Pressure and Increasing Injection Rate by Petroleum Sulfonate-Based Surfactant in Xingnan Oilfield[J]. , 2017, 30(1): 27-30.

曹广胜,李 泽,李 乔,白玉杰,张先强,刘 洋. 杏南油田基于石油磺酸盐的降压增注体系配方研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2017, 30(1): 27-30.