›› 2017, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 31-35.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2017.01.007

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The Synthesis and Evaluation of Gelling Agent for High Temperature Acidizing Operation


  • Received:2016-08-09 Revised:2016-10-14 Published:2017-02-24 Online:2017-02-28


崔福员1,桑军元2,杨 彬1,李文杰1,李 军1,王云云1,谷庆江1   

  1. 1.渤海钻探工程技术研究院,天津300280;2.渤海钻探第四钻井工程分公司,河北任丘062550
  • 作者简介:崔福员(1985-),男,硕士,工程师,从事油田增产措施研究;E-mail:cuifuyuan-ok@163.com 。
  • 基金资助:


In this paper, a kind of acidizing gelling agent P(AM-co-DAC) was prepared by aqueous solution polymerization using acrylamide (AM) and acryloyloxyethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride(DAC) as raw materials. The optimum conditions were determined by the single factor analytic approach. The product was characterized by IR and proved to be the target product. The text result shows that the product has good acid solubility, tackify performance,thermal stability and shear stability. The viscosity of acidizing fluid of 20% HCl can retain 30 mPa·s at 180 ℃, after shearing 100min at the shearing rate of 170 s-1.

Key words: Polymerization, Gelling agent, Viscosification, Acidizing, Anti-high temperature

摘要: 利用丙烯酰胺(AM)、丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵(DAC)为原料,进行水溶液聚合,采用低温复合引发体系合成一种高温胶凝酸用胶凝剂P(AM-co-DAC),通过单因素分析法确定最佳反应条件,并对其纯化样品进行红外表征。室内性能评价结果表明,该胶凝剂易溶于酸,增黏效果好。在180 ℃,170s-1剪切速率下,质量分数1%的胶凝剂溶于质量分数20%的盐酸中,剪切100min,黏度保持在30mPa·s左右,具有较好的耐温性和耐剪切性。

关键词: 聚合, 胶凝剂, 增黏, 酸化, 抗高温

Cite this article

CuiFuyuan,SangJunyuan,YangBin,LiWenjie,LiJun. The Synthesis and Evaluation of Gelling Agent for High Temperature Acidizing Operation[J]. , 2017, 30(1): 31-35.

崔福员,桑军元,杨 彬,李文杰,李 军,王云云,谷庆江. 高温酸液胶凝剂的合成及性能评价[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2017, 30(1): 31-35.