Based on the pore casting thin sections, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction, analysis of physical properties, hydrocarbon inclusions, combined with the results of thermal history reconstruction, diagenesis and classification of hydrocarbon accumulation phases of the Nantun formation in lower cretaceous in the Modamudi
depression, Hailar basin were conducted in this paper. The results showed that the main rock types including feldspar lithic sandstone, tuffaceous debris sandstone, and the main interstitial material were associated with argillaceous siliceous, carbonate and a small amount of volcanicash. The pore types, including the hole and intergranular corrosion reap the hole, have been found. The diagenesis in this formation included compaction stage, cracking, cementation, metasomatism, dissolution, which usually is related with early diagenetic stage B to late diagenetic stage A. Combined fluid inclusion analysis,homogenization temperature as well as thermal evolution history, the late cretaceous( 90~70 Ma) is the major period of hydrocarbon accumulations in the Nantun Formation.