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Current Issue
2017, Vol.30 No.2  Publication date:20 April 2017
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  • Mechanism of Viscosity Variation Rule of the Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt
  • Liu Yanjun Zhang Yuzhen
  • 2017, 30 (2): 1-6. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2017.02.001
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 6082KB ) ( )   
  •        The influence of swelling and degradation process of the crumb rubber modified asphalt on the viscosity was investigated by analyzing the viscosity variation with the development time. And the mechanism was discussed through the degradation conversion of crumb rubber in asphalt as well. Three asphalts with different penetration grades were selected to test the viscosity variation due to the development time at different reaction temperatures, and the conversions of the crumb rubber were analyzed. The results show that the viscosity variation of the crumb rubber modified asphalt is mainly affected by the swelling and degradation reaction. At initial stage of the reaction, the swelling shows more influence on the viscosity variation than the degradation, but after the turning point, the degradation becomes the major factor. When the viscosity reaches stable state, it means the swelling and degradation of the crumb rubber finish. Increasing reaction temperature can accelerate the reaction speed of the swelling and degradation process of crumb rubber in the asphalt. Longer development time causes higher conversion. And higher reaction temperature results in the lower minimum viscosity and higher maximum conversion. It is proposed that the viscosity and the degradation conversion of crumb rubber modified asphalt could be controlled by selecting the optimized temperature and development time.
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  • Development of Mobile Combined Adsorption Natural Gas Equipment
  • Ning Ye,Guo Shuting,Ye Kai,Cai Xili,Liu Peng,Huang Weiqiu
  • 2017, 30 (2): 77-81. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2017.02.014
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 1994KB ) ( )   
  •          There are many chances for natural gas to emit from gas fields or natural gas stations into the air, and the discharged gas not only leads to serious safety hazard and potential environmental issue, but also brings about unregenerate energy resource waste and economic losses. Natural gas recovery technology has not yet been popular for industrial applications, because there are generally some disadvantages for the existing recovery technologies, such as high pressure, high energy consumption, high requirements of equipment condition, nonportable and nondetachable in use. Therefore, a mobile combined adsorption natural gas (ANG) recovery equipment was developed, which was composed of five skids for portability, including gasifier skid, buffer bottle skid, vacuum pump skid, compressor skid and ANG cylinder skid. Then, the design and selection of devices for each skid were conducted, the equipment performance was evaluated, and the field application case was introduced. The equipment can collect the natural gas discharged from the gas fields or the natural gas cylinders or the LNG cylinders into the gasifier and the buffer tank, and then compress and store the natural gas into the ANG cylinder by the compressor, to realize to adsorb and recover the natural gas high efficiently in a medium pressure (~4 MPa) and with a volumetric ratio of the filled gas to ANG cylinder of more than 80. Meanwhile, the field application of the equipment showed that the carbon emissions in the field would be reduced by more than 97%. The equipment has advantages of high efficiency, safety, detachable, portable and mobile, autocontrol and touch screen control.
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  • A Numerical Simulation Study of Frictional Characteristics of Seal Faces on the Starting and Stopping Process of a Dry Gas Seal

  • Ding Xuexing,Wang Wending,Jin Haijun,Zhao Haihong
  • 2017, 30 (2): 91-96. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2017.02.017
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 2082KB ) ( )   
  •         The starting and stopping processes play an important role in reduce friction and abrasion of a spiral groove dry gas seal. Thus, the startup and shutoff of the seal is investigated by a numerical approach. The computational procedure based on the material properties of rotational and stationary rings, interaction of micro asperity, and frictional heat-flow coupling is implemented to build a three-dimensional thermo-mechanical coupling model considering sliding friction within rough-rigid body. And then, the ANSYS software is used to simulate the friction heat and the stress variation of rough-rigid body based on the characteristics of nonlinear multiphysics. The results are presented, and it shows that the maximum contact temperature value of the roughened surface increases with increase in the sliding time and presents a little fluctuation, and the distribution of VonMises equivalent stress is extremely nonuniform and non-linear. What’s more, the stress component of maximum x-direction(σxx) isn’t appeared in the region of highest contact asperity. The results reveal that a tensile stress is existed along the thickness direction of three-dimensional rough solid and the region of tensile stress is enlarged slightly with the sliding time. According to above results, it can be shown that increase in temperature and fluctuation are attributed to thermal conduction caused, the change of stress is due to the elastic-plastic deformation of asperities. These results illustrate the potential of numerical simulation in prediction the temperature and stress of seal faces during the starting and stopping process and may help in the design and optimization of spiral groove dry gas seal.
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