石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 24-35.DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2023.06.003
Xue BAI1,2(), Jianming PAN2(
Jianming PAN
控制化石能源的使用、促进可替代新能源和清洁能源的发展,符合资源开发与环境保护协同发展的主题。核能作为一种能量密度高的绿色能源,其广泛应用可缓解我国的能源短缺问题。已探明的海水中铀资源约为陆地铀矿的1 000倍,海水提铀是确保铀资源长期供应及核能可持续发展的潜在方法。吸附法因吸附效率高、操作简单、成本低和绿色环保等优点成为海水中铀酰离子提取的有效方法之一,但面临诸多挑战,如海水中铀酰离子的浓度极低且以Ca2UO2(CO3)3或[UO2(CO3)3]4-的形式稳定存在、共存离子种类和数量较多等。因此,制备高性能吸附剂是实现海水提铀的关键。综述了海水提铀吸附剂的类型及其性能强化策略,以期设计海水提铀吸附剂提供帮助。
白雪, 潘建明. 吸附法提铀及提铀吸附剂的种类和性能强化策略[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2023, 36(6): 24-35.
Xue BAI, Jianming PAN. Uranium Extraction by Adsorption and the Types and Performance Enhancement Strategies for Adsorbents[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2023, 36(6): 24-35.
类型 | 名称 | 吸附条件 | 吸附量/(mg·g-1) | 参考文献 |
无机型 | NZVI/TiO2 | m/V=0.2 g/L,pH=7.0,t=2.0 h | 122.30 | [ |
Mn3O4@sepiolite | m=50.0 mg,V=50.0 mL,pH=6.0,t=1.0 h | 85.51 | [ | |
PCNF | m=10.0 mg,V=20.0 mL,pH=6.0,t=2.0 h | 512.80 | [ | |
SrTiO3/TiO2 | m=10.0 mg,V=10.0 mL,pH=4.0,t=3.0 h | 127.10 | [ | |
有机型 | PQAP | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=8.0,t=4.0 h | 559.30 | [ |
CID NFs | m=10.0 mg,V=1.0 L,pH=6.0,t=70.0 h | 342.50 | [ | |
GPNB⁃BT | m=20.0 mg,V=50.0 mL,pH=5.5,t=12.0 h | 170.00 | [ | |
CNFs aerogel | m=5.0 mg,V=100.0 mL,pH=5.0,t=3.0 h | 440.60 | [ | |
SAN⁃NFs | m=20.0 mg,V=100.0 mL,pH=4.0,t=4.5 h | 177.00 | [ | |
PA⁃PAO/CS NFs | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=6.0,t=24.0 h | 913.10 | [ | |
BP@CNF⁃MOF | m=5.0 mg,V=1.0 L,pH=7.0,t=6.0 h | 858.30 | [ | |
PAO/Alg NFs | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=6.0,t=48.0 h | 892.80 | [ | |
PPLA | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=5.0,t=50.0 h | 1 432.00 | [ | |
PP | m=30.0 mg,V=0.5 L,pH=4.0,t=1.0 h | 491.00 | [ | |
SMON⁃PAO | m=10.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=7.0,t=30.0 h | 1 089.00 | [ |
表1 近几年报道的纳米纤维基吸附剂及其提铀性能
Table 1 Nanofiber?based adsorbents and their uranium extraction properties reported in recent years
类型 | 名称 | 吸附条件 | 吸附量/(mg·g-1) | 参考文献 |
无机型 | NZVI/TiO2 | m/V=0.2 g/L,pH=7.0,t=2.0 h | 122.30 | [ |
Mn3O4@sepiolite | m=50.0 mg,V=50.0 mL,pH=6.0,t=1.0 h | 85.51 | [ | |
PCNF | m=10.0 mg,V=20.0 mL,pH=6.0,t=2.0 h | 512.80 | [ | |
SrTiO3/TiO2 | m=10.0 mg,V=10.0 mL,pH=4.0,t=3.0 h | 127.10 | [ | |
有机型 | PQAP | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=8.0,t=4.0 h | 559.30 | [ |
CID NFs | m=10.0 mg,V=1.0 L,pH=6.0,t=70.0 h | 342.50 | [ | |
GPNB⁃BT | m=20.0 mg,V=50.0 mL,pH=5.5,t=12.0 h | 170.00 | [ | |
CNFs aerogel | m=5.0 mg,V=100.0 mL,pH=5.0,t=3.0 h | 440.60 | [ | |
SAN⁃NFs | m=20.0 mg,V=100.0 mL,pH=4.0,t=4.5 h | 177.00 | [ | |
PA⁃PAO/CS NFs | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=6.0,t=24.0 h | 913.10 | [ | |
BP@CNF⁃MOF | m=5.0 mg,V=1.0 L,pH=7.0,t=6.0 h | 858.30 | [ | |
PAO/Alg NFs | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=6.0,t=48.0 h | 892.80 | [ | |
PPLA | m=15.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=5.0,t=50.0 h | 1 432.00 | [ | |
PP | m=30.0 mg,V=0.5 L,pH=4.0,t=1.0 h | 491.00 | [ | |
SMON⁃PAO | m=10.0 mg,V=5.0 L,pH=7.0,t=30.0 h | 1 089.00 | [ |
名称 | 结构 | 吸附容量/(mg·g-1) | 最佳pH | 参考文献 |
3, 5⁃二乙烯基苯腈 | ![]() | 440.00 | 6.0 | [ |
4⁃氨基⁃3, 5⁃二乙烯基苯腈 | ![]() | 580.00 | 6.0 | [ |
2⁃氨基⁃3, 5⁃二乙烯基苯腈 | ![]() | 530.00 | 6.0 | [ |
2⁃(3, 5⁃二乙烯基亚苄基)丙二腈 | ![]() | 857.00 | 6.0 | [ |
1⁃(3, 5⁃二溴苄基)⁃1H⁃咪唑⁃4, 5⁃二腈 | ![]() | 504.00 | 6.0 | [ |
2, 5⁃二乙烯基对苯二甲腈 | ![]() | 1 070.00 | 6.0 | [ |
表2 已报道的用于选择性提铀而设计合成的功能单体
Table 2 Reported monomers designed and synthesized for selective uranium extraction
名称 | 结构 | 吸附容量/(mg·g-1) | 最佳pH | 参考文献 |
3, 5⁃二乙烯基苯腈 | ![]() | 440.00 | 6.0 | [ |
4⁃氨基⁃3, 5⁃二乙烯基苯腈 | ![]() | 580.00 | 6.0 | [ |
2⁃氨基⁃3, 5⁃二乙烯基苯腈 | ![]() | 530.00 | 6.0 | [ |
2⁃(3, 5⁃二乙烯基亚苄基)丙二腈 | ![]() | 857.00 | 6.0 | [ |
1⁃(3, 5⁃二溴苄基)⁃1H⁃咪唑⁃4, 5⁃二腈 | ![]() | 504.00 | 6.0 | [ |
2, 5⁃二乙烯基对苯二甲腈 | ![]() | 1 070.00 | 6.0 | [ |
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