石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 57-60.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2014.04.013

• 石油工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈 锐1,  邢晓凯1,  张坤勋1,  宁雯宇1,  王 宁2   

  1. ( 1. 中国石油大学( 北京) 油气管道输送安全国家工程实验室, 北京1 0 2 2 4 9; 2. 中油辽河工程有限公司, 辽宁盘锦1 2 4 0 1 0)
  • 收稿日期:2014-03-02 修回日期:2014-04-14 出版日期:2014-08-25 发布日期:2014-11-10
  • 通讯作者: 邢晓凯( 1 9 7 3 - ) , 男, 博士, 副教授, 从事油气长距离管输技术及地面工程研究;E - m a i l : x i n g x i a o k a i 2 0 1 2@1 2 6.c o m。
  • 作者简介:陈锐( 1 9 8 9 - ) , 男, 硕士研究生, 从事油气集输及地面工程研究;E - m a i l : m a k c i m l u c k@1 6 3. c o m。
  • 基金资助:
    “ 十二五” 国家科技重大专项( 2 0 1 1 Z X 0 5 0 1 6 - 0 0 4) ; 辽河油田原油千万吨持续稳产关键技术研究资助项目( 2 0 1 2 E -3 0 0 9) 。

Influence of Droplet Morphology on Rheology of Heavy Crude Oil Emulsion

  1. (1.National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249, China;2.Liaohe Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd., Panjin Liaoning 124010, China)
  • Received:2014-03-02 Revised:2014-04-14 Published:2014-08-25 Online:2014-11-10

摘要: 以辽河油田锦4 5区块2 2 - 0 2 3号井稠油和矿化水为实验原料, 采用等效黏度的方法, 制备了与现场性 质相近的稠油水乳状液。研究了分散相微观形态对稠油水乳状液流变性的影响。结果表明, 在分散相浓度较低时, 乳状液流变性符合B i n g h a m模型, 而在高浓度时流变性符合P o w e r l a w模型, 分散相浓度一定时, 微观粒径越小, 乳 状液的表观黏度越大, 非牛顿流体性质越强, 剪切稀释特性越明显。

关键词: 分散相,     ,  微观形态,    ,  , 流变性,    ,  , 乳状液,    ,  , 稠油

Abstract: Heavy oil and mineral water from 22023 oil wells in Jin 45 of Liaohe oilfield were used as experimental materials. Through the equivalent viscosity methods, emulsion with similar properities to gathering site was prepared. The influence of droplet morphology on rheology of heavy crude oil emulsion was researched. The results showed that the rheology met Bingham model when the concentration of disperse phase was low, rather, the rheology met Power law model. The smaller of the dispersed micro particles, the greater of the apparent viscosity, the more significant of the nonNewtonian fluid properties and the more obvious of the shear thinning characteristics were. 

Key words: Rheology,    ,  Disperse phase,    ,  Morphology rheology,    ,  Emulsion,     ,  Heavy crude oil


陈 锐, 邢晓凯, 张坤勋. 分散相微观形态对稠油乳状液流变性的影响[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2014, 27(4): 57-60.

Chen Rui,Xing Xiaokai,Zhang Kunxun,et al. Influence of Droplet Morphology on Rheology of Heavy Crude Oil Emulsion [J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2014, 27(4): 57-60.
