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2007, Vol.27 No.4  Publication date:20 December 2007
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  • Kinetics of Synthesis of ETBE Over Mesoporous Molecular Sieve Catalys t SBA -15 -HSO3
  • ZHAO Xin, SHEN Jian, JIAO Ho ng -yu
  • 2007, 27 (4): 27-30.
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 236KB ) ( )   
  •         Well-ordered meso porous organic -inorganic hybrid SBA-15- HSO3 containing alkyl(methy1)and sulfonic acid groups was directly synthesized via hydro the rmaltechnique and characterized by XRD and nitrogen adsorption.The results show that catalyst SBA -15- HSO3 , a highly ordered two -dimensional hexagonal me so porous structure , has greater specific surface area , pore size and pore volume .Ethyl tertiary -butyl ether (ETBE)was synthesized by the reaction of ethyl alcohol and tertiary butyl alcohol with SBA -15 -HSO3 as a catalyst , and the reaction dynamics model had been established.The reaction process carries on in the steel sealed rhythmic reaction cauldron without the influence of internal and external diffusion.The etherification reaction kinetic experiment data could be obtained with the change of the raw material density and the reaction temperature , then such a kinetic model r=kC1.5A C-0.5B  , would be obtained, finally got the frequency factor 1 .3 ×107 h-1and activation energy 52.86kJ/mo l.At the same time , a theoretica1 mode1 r=k′C1.5A C-0.5B  would be obtained according to the reaction mechanism , with frequency factor 1 .2 ×107 h-1and activation energy 52 .56kJ/mol .So the surface reaction could be considered as the rate -determining step.
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  • The Magnetic Properties of the Spin -2 Ising Model Under the Transverse Field and Crystal Field
  • ZHAO Jie,XU Xing -g uang
  • 2007, 27 (4): 31-34.
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 187KB ) ( )   
  • The mean-field theory was adopted to calculate the high spin-2 transverse Ising model .Theoretical expressions for magnetic moment and free energy were deduced at finite temperature .Magnetization curves of the system at the limited temperature were obtained by the use of numerical calculation .The study emphases on examining the influence of crystal field D and transverse field Ψon magnetization curves of spin systems and free energy .Characteristics of four phase transitions were observed in the magnetization curves :first order -order phase transition, first order -disorder phase transition , second order -disorder phase transition and reentrant phenomenon.The results show that reentrant phenomenon appears only when transverse field is not equal to zero ;first - order phase transition appears in the very narrow range of crystal field and transverse field ;the scope of first order -order phase transition is narrower ;second order - disorder phase transition occurs in the wide range of crystal field and transverse field.In general the temperature of the first - order phase transition is lower than that of the second - order phase transition.Crystal field is a factor to accelerate phase transitions , and transverse field is a factor to limit phase transitions .
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