Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University ›› 2007, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 9-12.

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The Slurry -Bed Hydrocracking Reaction of the Coal -Tar and Lungu Heavy Oil


  1. State Key Laboratory of Heav y Oil Processing , College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , China University of
    Petroleum (East China), Dong ying S handong 257061, P .R .China
  • Received:2007-05-29 Published:2007-12-20 Online:2017-07-05


李庶峰, 邓文安, 文 萍, 阙国和   

  1. 中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院重质油加工国家重点实验室, 山东东营257061
  • 作者简介:李庶峰(1973 ) 男山东章丘市工程师硕士


     Co -processing Lungu heavy oil with a kind of coal -tar for preparing high yields purred fuel and high grade paving asphalt was investigated in a rhythmic high-pressure reaction cauldron .The reaction conditions are as follows:mass ratio of coal-tar to heavy oil is 1 ∶3 , temperatures is 430 ℃, reaction time is 60 min, initial pressure of hydrogen is 7.0MPa in room temperature , catalyst content of 200μg/ g .The result shows that the presence of hydro gen and dispersed catalyst would effectively inhabit the coke -forming and gas producing , and increase the yield of middle fractions .According to coking forming , catalytic hydrogenation capability of Ni catalyst is better than that of Fe catalyst, and the oil-soluble catalyst NiNaph offers better catalytic hydrogenation capability than the water -soluble catalyst Ni(NO3)2 .Different starting conditions of compositions will change the distribution of product.In the presence of separation -point 420 ~ 430 ℃, the residue of the reaction can be used as the material for producing 90 # paving bitumen .

Key words: Heavy oil,    , Co al-ta r,    , Slurry -bed hydrocracking,    , Dispersed catalyst,    , Bitumen

摘要:      在间歇式高压反应釜中对轮古稠油和某煤焦油进行了悬浮床加氢裂化共处理改质的反应。反应条件为:煤焦油与稠油质量比1∶3 , 反应温度430 ℃, 室温下氢气初压7.0 M Pa , 反应时间60 min , 催化剂质量分数为200 μg/ g 。研究表明:在氢气和分散性催化剂存在下的反应有效地抑制了生焦及产气率, 增加了中间馏分油的收率。从生焦指数及生焦量来看, 镍催化剂的催化加氢性能优于铁催化剂, 油溶性的NiNaph 催化加氢性能明显高于水溶性的Ni(NO3)2 。不同的原料配比改变了反应产物分布。对稠油与煤焦油共炼产物分离, 选取尾油切割点420 ~ 430℃, 可以作为接近于生产90#道路沥青的原料。

关键词: 稠油,  煤焦油,  悬浮床加氢裂化,  分散型催化剂,  沥青

Cite this article

LI Shu -feng,DENG Wen -an,WEN Ping,QU E Guo -he. The Slurry -Bed Hydrocracking Reaction of the Coal -Tar and Lungu Heavy Oil[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2007, 27(4): 9-12.

李庶峰, 邓文安, 文 萍, 阙国和. 煤焦油与轮古稠油悬浮床加氢共炼工艺的研究[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2007, 27(4): 9-12.

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