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2009, Vol.22 No.4  Publication date:25 December 2009
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  • Numerical Simulation on Soil Temperature Field Around Underground Hot Oil Pipelines and Medium Temperature-Dropin the Process of Staring
  • YE Zhi-wei, WANG Rui-jin
  • 2009, 22 (4): 77-80. DOI:10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2009.04.019
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 284KB ) ( )   
  • For drawing up science and reasonable preheating process of buried pipeline,the change of soil temperature field around pipeline and oil temperature within pipeline were accurately forecasted.The soil temperature fields around the buried pipeline in the process of preheating and oil temperature within pipeline were numerically simulated through using finite elements method,found out how the soil temperature around pipeline distribute and oil temperature within pipeline change at different time.Analysis the calculation results show that the on-way temperature dropping of oil in pipeline is influented obviously by comprehensive factors,such as preheating medium,time of preheating mixed medium,soil temperature,climate condition etc.Determination of economy and safe process of preheating mixed medium can make commissioning to operate economically and securely. ReplaceFont('ChDivSummary',');ReplaceFont('EnDivSummary','For drawing up science and reasonable preheating process of buried pipeline,the change of soil temperature field around pipeline and oil temperature within pipeline were accurately forecasted.The soil temperature fields around the buried pipeline in the process of preheating and oil temperature within pipeline were numerically simulated through using finite elements method,found out how the soil temperature around pipeline distribute and oil temperature within pipeline change at different time.Analysis the calculation results show that the on-way temperature dropping of oil in pipeline is influented obviously by comprehensive factors,such as preheating medium,time of preheating mixed medium,soil temperature,climate condition etc.Determination of economy and safe process of preheating mixed medium can make commissioning to operate economically and securely.');if(document.getElementById('ChDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('ChDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('ChDivSummary',500);DisplaySpanDiv('ChDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkChID','SummaryLinkEnID');} if(document.getElementById('EnDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('EnDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('EnDivSummary',1000);DisplaySpanDiv('EnDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkEnID','SummaryLinkChID');}ReplaceChar1('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar1('EnDivSummary');ReplaceChar('EnDivSummary');
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