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Current Issue
2012, Vol.25 No.6  Publication date:25 December 2012
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  • The Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester Dust Suppression and Wind Proofing Plate
  • ZHOU Li,ZHANG Jian-zhong,ZHANG Lin
  • 2012, 25 (6): 48-51. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2012.06.012
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 830KB ) ( )   
  • The glass fiber as reinforced skeleton, unsaturated polyester resin as matrix materials, then the dust suppression and wind proofing plate was prepared. The effects of the ratio of unsaturated polyester resin and glass fiber, the species of glass fiber, the contents of curing agent and accelerating agent on the mechanical properties on dust suppression and wind proofing plate were studied. The results are as follows: the tensile strength and impulse strength were up to maximum when the mass ratio of unsaturated polyester and glass fiber felt was 3∶1. The tensile strength of dust suppression and wind proofing plates which were enhanced by [KG*4]high [KG*4]alkali、the [KG*4]alkali [KG*4]and [KG*4]the [KG*4]non-alkali [KG*4]glass fiber felt respectively achieved [KG*4]to 55.198,75.249,89.446 MPa. The impulse strength respectively achieved to 30.699,35.367,41.343 kJ/m2. Then the tensile strength of non-alkali glass fiber felt increased 62% than high alkali glass fiber felt, and it increased 18.8% than alkali glass fiber felt. The impulse strength of non-alkali glass fiber felt increased 34.7% when compared with high alkali glass fiber felt and it increased 16.9% than alkali glass fiber felt. When the content of accelerating agent and [KG*4]curing [KG*4]agent [KG*4]was [KG*4]respectively 0.5% and 1%, the maximum tensile strength of dust suppression and wind proofing plate is 89.446 MPa, the maximum impulse strength is 41.343 kJ/m2.
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