Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2011, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 54-57.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2011.02.014

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Laboratorg Trail Study on NMP Refining of High-Viscosity VGO


  1. 1. Northeastern University, Shenyang Liaoning 110004,P.R.China; 2. Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, P.R.China
  • Received:2010-12-20 Revised:2011-03-04 Published:2011-04-25 Online:2011-04-25



  1. 1.东北大学,辽宁沈阳110004;2.辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁抚顺113001
  • 作者简介:李晓鸥(1964 -), 女, 吉林磐石市, 教授, 在读博士


Single stage refining of high-viscosity lubricating oil using N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) was carried out. The suitable operating conditions of the NMP refining were determined by orthogonal test and mathematical ways. On this basis, a simulate-three-stage extraction and dewaxing tests of NMP were done. The results show that the operation conditions of NMP anhydrous extraction are [KG*4]as follows: extracting [KG*4]temperature 87 ℃, the [KG*4]volume [KG*4]ratio [KG*4]of [KG*4]solvent to oil is 0.75. Under same conditions, NMP anhydrous single-stage extraction are as follows: the yield of refined oil is 90.1%, the refractive index is 1.464 5 at 60 ℃. NMP anhydrous simulate-three-stage extraction are as follows: the yield of refined oil is 90%, the refractive index is 1.462 2 at 60 ℃. Volume fraction of water 1.5% of extraction suitable operating conditions are as follows: extracting temperature 88.5 ℃, the volume ratio of solvent to oil is 1.38.Under same conditions, NMP single-stage extraction are as follows: the yield of refined oil is 87.7%, the refractive index is 1.463 1;NMP simulate-three-stage extraction are as follows: the yield of refined oil is 87%, the refractive index is 1.461 0 at 60 ℃. From refractive index changes to know that the effect of simulate-three-stage test is better than single-stage extraction test.  

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摘要: 以某炼厂高粘度润滑油馏分油为原料, 进行了NMP 溶剂精制的小试研究。首先进行单级抽提试验, 然后通过正交试验并借助数学手段, 确定了NM P 精制的适宜操作条件。在此基础之上, 进行了NMP 的假三段抽提试验及脱蜡试验。结果表明, 无水抽提适宜操作条件为:抽提温度87 ℃, 剂油体积比为0 .75 , 在相同条件下, NMP 单级抽提精制油收率为90 .1 %, 60 ℃折光率为1.464 5 ;NMP 假三段抽提精制油60 ℃折光率为1 .462 2, 油收率为 90 %。含水体积分数为1.5%的抽提适宜操作条件为:抽提温度88 .5 ℃, 剂油体积比1.38 , 在相同条件下, NMP 单级抽提精制油收率为87 .7 %, 60 ℃折光率为1 .463 1;NMP 假三段抽提精制油60 ℃折光率为1.461 0, 油收率为 87 %。由折光率的变化可知假三段试验的精制效果优于单级抽提试验。

关键词: 高粘度润滑油 , NMP(N -甲基吡咯烷酮) , 粘度指数 , 单级抽提 , 假三段抽提

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LI Xiao-ou,ZHANG De-ning,LI Dong-sheng. Laboratorg Trail Study on NMP Refining of High-Viscosity VGO[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2011, 24(2): 54-57.

李晓鸥,张德宁,李东胜,翟玉春. 高粘度减压馏分油NMP精制小试研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2011, 24(2): 54-57.