石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 15-21.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2021.01.003

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 中国石化大连石油化工研究院,辽宁 大连 116041; 2. 西安石油大学 化学化工学院,陕西 西安 710065
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-20 修回日期:2020-09-20 出版日期:2021-02-26 发布日期:2021-04-02
  • 作者简介:马锐(1981-),男,博士,工程师,从事吸附分离、石油系多孔碳材料制备及煤系油品加氢研究;E-mail: maruilupct@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Progress of Residual Marine Fuel Desulfurization Technology

Ma Rui1Song Yongyi1Zhang Qingjun1Zhang Shudong1Liu Jihua1Li Xiaohui2Zhang Qingyao2   

  1. 1. Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, SINOPEC, Dalian Liaoning 116041, China; 2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an Shaanxi 710065, China
  • Received:2020-08-20 Revised:2020-09-20 Published:2021-02-26 Online:2021-04-02

摘要: 随着2020年国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,IMO)船用燃料油限硫政策的施行,船用残渣型燃料油的脱硫技术受到了业界的较大关注。重质原料油是船用残渣型燃料油的主要组成部分,重质原料油脱硫技术分为加氢技术和非加氢技术。加氢技术主要有固定床、沸腾床(膨胀床)、悬浮床(浆态床)及移动床等。非加氢技术主要有碱金属化合物脱硫、选择性氧化⁃萃取/热解/过程强化脱硫、电化学脱硫、生物脱硫及钠法脱硫等。加氢脱硫技术中,固定床加氢技术更适合现阶段生产硫质量分数≤0.5%的船用残渣型燃料油,若要生产硫质量分数≤0.1%的船用残渣型燃料油,则需要控制原料油中硫质量分数或进行油品调和。非加氢脱硫技术中,选择性氧化⁃超声辅助及钠法脱硫技术均可直接生产硫质量分数≤0.1%的重质原料油,但钠法脱硫技术具有更好的应用前景。

关键词: 船用残渣型燃料油, 脱硫, 非加氢脱硫技术, 加氢脱硫技术

Abstract: With the implementation of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) sulphur limit policy for marine fuel in 2020, residual marine fuel desulfurization technology has brought widespread attention. The heavy oil is the main component of residual marine fuel, and desulfurization technologies of heavy oil could be categorized as two types: hydrogenation and non⁃hydrogenation technologies. Hydrogenation technologies include fixed bed, ebullating bed, suspended bed, and moving bed, et al. Non⁃hydrogenation technologies include alkali metal compound treatment, selective oxidation⁃extraction/thermolysis/process intensification, electrochemical, biodesulfurization, and sodium, et al. Among these hydro⁃desulfurization technologies, fixed bed hydro⁃treating is more proper in producing residual marine fuel with the sulfur content lower than 0.5% at present. Meanwhile, to produce residual marine fuel with sulfur content lower than 0.1%, it needs to choose the low sulfur containing raw materials and/or blend oils. For non⁃hydrogenation desulfurization technologies, selective oxidation⁃ultrasound and sodium technologies can directly produce heavy fuel oil with sulfur content lower than 0.1%, while sodium desulfurization technology shows a better application prospect.

Key words: Residual marine fuel, Desulfurization, Non?hydrodesulfurization technology, Hydrodesulfurization technology


马锐, 宋永一, 张庆军, 张舒冬, 刘继华, 黎小辉, 张庆耀. 船用残渣型燃料油脱硫技术进展[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2021, 34(1): 15-21.

Ma Rui1, Song Yongyi, Zhang Qingjun, Zhang Shudong, Liu Jihua, Li Xiaohui, Zhang Qingyao. Progress of Residual Marine Fuel Desulfurization Technology[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2021, 34(1): 15-21.
