石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 53-60.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2018.06.009

• 石油地质 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘 威   

  1. 大庆油田 海拉尔石油勘探开发指挥部,黑龙江 大庆 163100
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-21 修回日期:2018-09-12 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2018-12-10
  • 作者简介:刘威(1981?),男,工程师,从事油藏开发方面的研究;E?mail:dq_liuwei@126.com。
  • 基金资助:

Depositional System Configuration and Favorable Facies Analysis of Nantun Formation in the Bayanhushu Depression

Liu Wei   

  1. Halaer Exploratory Development Headquarters,Daqing Oilfield Company Ltd.,Daqing Heilongjiang 163100,China
  • Received:2018-08-21 Revised:2018-09-12 Published:2018-12-25 Online:2018-12-10

摘要: 巴彦呼舒凹陷目前处于勘探初级阶段,沉积特征及分布规律还不清晰。研究中运用岩芯、测井、地震、粒度分析等资料,结合区域构造地质背景分析,详细地探讨了巴彦呼舒凹陷在南屯组沉积时期的沉积体系类型和特征。认为研究区发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲和湖泊3种沉积体系。其中,辫状河三角洲沉积、扇三角洲沉积分别主要发育在研究区东部的缓坡带和西部的陡坡带,湖泊相则发育在两者之间的中部洼槽带内。整体来看,沉积格局呈现了明显的“南北分块、东西分带”特点,自西部陡坡带至东部缓坡带,沉积相类型由扇三角洲过渡至深湖⁃半深湖后又逐渐过渡至辫状河三角洲。通过成藏条件研究,发现辫状河三角洲前缘、扇三角洲前缘砂体的储层物性好且常紧邻大规模的优质源岩,陡坡带、缓坡带、洼槽带处易形成陡坡反转构造油气藏、断层⁃岩性油气藏以及岩性油气藏。

关键词: 巴彦呼舒凹陷,  南屯组,  沉积体系,  沉积演化,  成藏条件

Abstract: The Bayanhushu depression is in the initial stage of exploration, and its sedimentary characteristics and distribution are not clear. In this study, the types and characteristics of sedimentary system in Nantun Formation of Bayanhushu sag are discussed in detail by using core, well logging, seismic and grain size analysis data and combining with regional tectonic and geological background analysis. It is considered that there are 3 depositional systems of fan delta, braided river delta and lake in the study area. Braided River delta deposits and fan delta deposits are mainly developed in the gentle slope zone in the eastern part of the study area and the steep slope zone in the western part, is developed in the middle trough zone between the two.The braided river delta and fan delta deposits are mainly developed in the eastern gentle slope zon and the steep slope zone in the western part, while the lacustrine facies are developed in the middle trough zone. On the whole, the sedimentary pattern shows obvious characteristics of "North South Block and East West zoning". From the western steep slope zone to the eastern gentle slope zone, the sedimentary facies types transit from fan delta to deep lake⁃semi⁃deep lake and then gradually to the discriminate river delta. Reservoir physical properties of braided river delta front and fan delta front sand bodies are good and often adjacent to large⁃scale high⁃quality source rocks. Steep slope inversion structural reservoirs, fault⁃lithologic reservoirs and lithologic reservoirs are easy to form in steep slope zone, gentle slope zone and trough zone, respectively.

Key words: Bayanhushu depression, Nantun formation, Sedimentary system, Sedimentary evolution, Reservoir forming conditions


刘 威. 巴彦呼舒凹陷南屯组沉积特征及有利相带分析[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2018, 31(6): 53-60.

Liu Wei. Depositional System Configuration and Favorable Facies Analysis of Nantun Formation in the Bayanhushu Depression[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2018, 31(6): 53-60.
