石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 31-34.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2011.03.008

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇


高楠1,王婵1,张凤华2* ,李飞2,赵杉林1,李萍3   

  1. 1.辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院,2.辽宁石油化工大学化学与材料科学学院,3.辽宁石油化工大学环境与生物工程学院,辽宁抚顺113001
  • 收稿日期:2011-04-27 修回日期:2011-05-04 出版日期:2011-06-25 发布日期:2011-06-25
  • 作者简介:高楠(1985 -), 女, 吉林梅河口市, 在读硕士
  • 基金资助:

The Inf luence of Majo r Ions on the Co rrosion of#br# Penetrating Zinc Steel in Oil Field Water

  1. 1. School of Petrochemical Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001,P.R.China;

    2. School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, P. R. China; 3.School of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, P. R. China

  • Received:2011-04-27 Revised:2011-05-04 Published:2011-06-25 Online:2011-06-25

摘要: 采用静态腐蚀挂片失重方法, 研究了胜利油田采出水中主要腐蚀离子成份(Cl- , Ca2 + , HCO - 3 )对 20#碳钢和渗锌碳钢的腐蚀行为, 并对腐蚀原因做出了分析。研究表明, 20#碳钢及渗锌碳钢的腐蚀速率随腐蚀介质中Cl-质量浓度的增加而呈现上升趋势;Ca2 +离子的加入在一定程度促进了20 #碳钢和渗锌钢的腐蚀;HCO- 3 对 20#碳钢腐蚀具有先抑制后促进作用。在模拟的采出水腐蚀介质中, 渗锌碳钢的耐蚀性能要明显好于20 #碳钢, 平均腐蚀速率小于石油行业腐蚀速率(0 .076 mm/a)控制标准规定。

关键词: 油田采出水 , 渗锌碳钢 , 离子腐蚀 , 腐蚀速率


Adopting static corrosion weight-loss method, the corrosible effect Shengli oilfield produced water containing main ion ingredients (Cl- , Ca2 + , HCO - 3) on the carbon steel and penetrating zinc steel metal materials was studied, and causes of corrosion were also made analysis. The results show that with the concentration of Cl- increasing, the corrosion rate of 20# carbon steel and the penetrating zinc carbon steel is increased. When the content of Ca2 + ions was added, the corrosion rate of 20#carbon steel and the permeability zinc carbon steel also has a increasing trend. HCO - 3 inhibited corrosion rate of 20#carbon steel and then increased; the corrosion resistance of penetrating zinc steel is superior to 20#carbon steel in the simulative oilfield water, the corrosion rate is less than the petroleum industry standard 0.076 mm/a, so penetrating zinc steel metal materials can be used in pipeline of the oilfield.

Key words:

Oilfield water,    ,  Penetrating zinc steel,    ,  Ionic Corrosion,    ,  Corrosion ratemso-ascii-font-family: Calibri, mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin, mso-fareast-font-family: 宋体, mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast, mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri, mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin">


高楠,王婵,张凤华,李飞,赵杉林,李萍. 油田采出水中主要腐蚀离子对渗锌碳钢的腐蚀研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2011, 24(3): 31-34.

GAO Nan, WANG Chan,ZHANG Feng-hua,et al. The Inf luence of Majo r Ions on the Co rrosion of#br# Penetrating Zinc Steel in Oil Field Water[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2011, 24(3): 31-34.
