石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 73-76.

• 化工机械 • 上一篇    下一篇


章 博, 陈国明   

  1. 中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院,山东东营257061
  • 收稿日期:2008-10-31 修回日期:2008-12-10 出版日期:2009-06-25 发布日期:2009-06-25
  • 作者简介:章博(1980 -), 男, 湖北枝江市, 讲师, 在读博士
  • 基金资助:

Personnel Exposure Risk Assessment in the Circumstance of Toxic Gas Leakage

  1. College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Dongying Shandong 257061, P. R. China
  • Received:2008-10-31 Revised:2008-12-10 Published:2009-06-25 Online:2009-06-25

摘要: 提出了将毒气泄漏CFD数值模拟与中毒剂量反应模型结合起来进行中毒风险定量评估的方法。首先通过CFD计算泄漏毒气的实时浓度场,再由浓度场和暴露时间确定暴露剂量,最后根据剂量反应模型确定人员死亡百分比。并以某硫磺回收装置硫化氢泄漏为例,对距离泄漏点0~300 m范围内多个监测点人员中毒死亡风险进行了定量评估。研究结果表明该方法能定量评估毒气泄漏扩散区域内任意位置人员的任意时刻死亡风险,可广泛应用于与毒气泄漏后果风险评估相关的各领域。

关键词: CFD , 毒气泄漏 , 定量评估 , 中毒 , 剂量

Abstract: A CFD numerical simulation and dose reaction model combined approach for quantitative assessment of toxic gas leakage caused poisoninging were put forward.First of all,getting the toxic gas concentration distribution in time and space by CFD simulation; and then calculating toxic dose according to gas concentration and exposure time; the last, evaluating exposure personnel death percentage according to dose reaction model.An example of hydrogen sulfide leakage from a sulfide recycling installation has been studied and death risks of monitor points within a range of 0~300 m have been evaluated
quantitatively.The results indicate that this approach can assess personnel death risks quantitatively of any position at any time within the leakage and dispersion area.It can be widely used in problems related to risk assessment about toxic gas leakage and dispersion consequences.

Key words: CFD , Toxic gas leakage , Quantitative assessment , Poisoning , Dose


章 博, 陈国明. 毒气泄漏环境下人员暴露风险评估[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2009, 22(2): 73-76.

ZHANG Bo, CHEN Guo-ming. Personnel Exposure Risk Assessment in the Circumstance of Toxic Gas Leakage[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2009, 22(2): 73-76.


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