石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (6): 78-82.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2012.06.020

• 化工机械 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁抚顺113001;2.东北大学,辽宁沈阳110004;3.中国石油辽阳石化分公司,辽宁辽阳111003
  • 收稿日期:2012-09-06 出版日期:2012-12-25 发布日期:2012-12-25
  • 作者简介:阚哲(1980-),男,辽宁新民县,讲师,博士
  • 基金资助:

Flow Velocity Measurements of Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow With  Electrostatic Sensors and Cross-Correlation Method

  1. 1.Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, P. R. China;  2.Northeastern University, Shenyang Liaoning 110004, P. R. China;  3.China Petroleum Liaoyang Petrochemical Branch Company, Liaoyang Liaoning 111003, P. R. China
  • Received:2012-09-06 Published:2012-12-25 Online:2012-12-25

摘要: 在静电传感器电极设计中,电极屏蔽设计可有效获取被测信号的保障,并可以提高互相关速度测量中的两路测量信号的相似度。同时,PVC传送管的选择也可以有效提高电极的灵敏度。通过改进电极屏蔽效果来提高两路测量信号的相似度,进而提高相关测速精度。通过电极屏蔽实验,说明了屏蔽在电极设计中重要性,验证了互相关原理的抗噪声能力,并在同一高度测量得到传送管不同径向位置的流体速度。本实验装置具有较好的重复性和较高的测量精度,在2~7m/s内进行了流速测量,测量结果的重复性误差在±2%以内。

关键词: 静电传感器 , 气/固两相流 , 互相关原理 , 流速 , 屏蔽 , 精度

Abstract: The probe shielding design provides a guarantee to measured signals, and this increases the similarity degree of the two measurement signals during the electrostatic sensor design. Meanwhile the choice of PVC tube can also effectively increase the sensitivity of the probe. The question of electrostatic shielding was focused on, and improving the shielding effect is to increase the similarity of the two measurement signals and improve velocity precision. With the shielding experiments it can explain the shielding design is very important to the probe making, and it obtains better measuring results. In the experiments the principle of cross-correlation noise immunity are probed, and the flow velocity was measured with same high at different radial position. Under the guidance of the cross-correlation theory, electrostatic theory and experiment, the experimental device has good repeatability and high measurement accuracy, and repeatability error is in ±2%. Within 2~7 m/s the flow velocity measuring experiment is done, and measurement results of the repeatability error are less than ±2%.

Key words: Electrostatic sensor,    ,  Gas-solid two phase flow, Cross correlation principle,    ,  Flow velocity,   , Shielded,   ,  Accuracy


阚哲,邵富群,李庆华. 基于静电传感器气/固两相流流速互相关测量[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2012, 25(6): 78-82.

KAN Zhe,SHAO Fu-qun,LI Qing-hua. Flow Velocity Measurements of Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow With  Electrostatic Sensors and Cross-Correlation Method[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2012, 25(6): 78-82.
