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2018, Vol.31 No.04  Publication date:24 August 2018
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  • Silicone Oil Emulsifier without Alkylphenol Ethoxylates
  • Li Fengyan, Zhao Tianbo, Yang Yajun
  • 2018, 31 (04): 13-19. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2018.04.003
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 2080KB ) ( )   
  • Alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether surfactants have good emulsifying properties and are common raw materials for silicone oil emulsifiers, however, the by-products and their final metabolites in the production process are highly toxic and can not meet the EU requirements on environmentally friendly surfactants. The non-ionic surfactant complex system without alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether as silicone oil emulsifier was studied in this paper. The experiments were designed and optimized with uniform design software. Under the condition that the quality fraction of emulsifier was 7%, different kinds of non-ionic surfactants were used as emulsifiers to determine the value range of each factor and set an appropriate level within this range. According to factor number and level number, the appropriate uniform design table was selected for factor horizontal data arrangement, and the experimental points in the uniform design table were tested. The obtained experimental data were analyzed by regression analysis, the regression model was established, and the optimized experimental points of the regression equation were verified experimentally. The synergistic effect of surfactants and the effect on the stability of emulsified silicone oil were investigated. The optimal environmentally friendly nonionic silicone oil emulsifier without alkylphenol polyoxyethylene was obtained.
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  • Optimization of Injection Parameters for ASG Composite Foam  System in Low Permeability Reservoirs
  • Wang Jie, Liu Yinsong, Liu Zhaoyu, Wang Mengyu, Li Yue
  • 2018, 31 (04): 38-41. DOI::10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2018.04.007
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 1548KB ) ( )   
  • The enhanced oil recovery technology of ASG (alkali, surfactant and nitrogen) composite foam and water alternating injection was studied in high temperature and high salinity low permeability reservoir. The ASG foam and water alternating injection experiments were carried out through indoor flooding experiments, and compared with water flooding nitrogen flooding and surfactant flooding. The results show that the enhanced oil recovery of the method adopted by this study is 16.61%, 10.26% and 9.21%, respectively, compared with water flooding, nitrogen flooding and surfactant flooding technology. Experimental study on injection parameters optimization of ASG foam and water alternating injection is carried out, and the parameters such as slug size, injection rate and gas fluid ratio of ASG composite foam are optimized by bench scale displacement test. The results show that under the condition of the same foam injection volume (1.2 times the pore volume), the effect of foam slug injection with 0.4 times pore volume is best. The foam injection rate has an optimum value of 1.5 mL/min. When the injection rate is too low, less foam is produced, gasliquid separation is easy to occur, and the blocking effect is poor. When the injection rate is too high, the size of the bubble is different, and it is easy to cause the bubble to merge, causing the bubble to burst, and at the same time, it is easy to cause the shear defoaming of the foam. When the gas fluid ratio is 3∶1, 2∶1 and 1.5∶1, respectively, the recovery rate is 2.04% higher than that of the single gas fluid ratio.
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  • Pore Structure of Tight Sandy Conglomerate Reservoir and Geological Significance
  • Ren Yanbin
  • 2018, 31 (04): 74-81. DOI::10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2018.04.014
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 9614KB ) ( )   
  • In order to provide basis for reservoir prediction, the characteristics of nanometer-micron pore throat in dense conglomerate reservoir and its relationship with physical properties and productivity are discussed. Through thin slice observation, scanning electron microscope, high pressure mercury pressure, constant speed mercury pressure and physical properties test, a systematic analysis of reservoir space types, pore throat distribution, connectivity and physical properties is carried out. The results show that the pore types including dissolved pores, intercrystalline pores, primary intergranular pores, microcracks,with the feldspar solution pores and debris solution pores have the greatest contribution to porosity, followed by intercrystalline pores of clay minerals. The distribution shape of pore throat is bimodal, and the radius of most pore throat is less than 1 μm. The pore is connected by few large throat and micro-fracture, resulting in poor correspondence between porosity and permeability. Comprehensive analysis of pore size classification, reservoir physical properties and reservoir productivity shows that pore types have a controlling effect on reservoir physical properties and productivity. The porosity and permeability, gas content and productivity of reservoirs are lower when more capillary and microcapillary are developed in the pores. This explains the difference between the exploration efficiency of relatively high porosity reservoirs and relatively low porosity reservoirs. Geological conditions for the development of nanocapillary and microcapillary are discussed. It is suggested that the prediction of sedimentary facies and the study of diagenetic facies should be strengthened in reservoir prediction.
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  • Friction Performance of Two Typical Spiral Angle and DLC Films in Dry Gas Seal
  • Ding Xuexing, Zhao Haihong, Jin Haijun, Wei Long, Jin Liang
  • 2018, 31 (04): 82-89. DOI::10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2018.04.015
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 4549KB ) ( )   
  • In the case of low speed and high pressure, the wear of dry gas seal is more serious, therefore, the preparation of DLC film by static ring is proposed, and the friction characteristics of the end face of the static and dynamic ring are analyzed with the groove structure. The dry gas seal with different spiral angle was tested by friction and wear machine, and the change law of temperature rise, friction coefficient and surface wear morphology were tested. The test results show that with the increase of load and speed, the friction temperature rises, friction coefficient and grinding mark of 16° spiral angle are less than 18°. Under the same working condition, the value of average friction coefficient of 18°spiral angle is 0.02 larger than that of 16°spiral angle, and the average friction temperature is increased by 5 ℃. On the one hand, because of the different spiral angle, the interface method is different and the wear degree of the end face of 18° spiral angle is greater than 16° spiral angle. On the other hand, with the increase of load and speed, the graphitization degree of DLC films is increased, which shows DLC films and spiral groove play a key role in the friction and wear of end faces. At the same time, it is found that the wear degree of the two kinds of spiral angle inner ring is greater than the outer ring, so the spiral groove can reduce the wear degree of the end face. The test results laid a foundation for the optimization design and practical application of spiral groove dry gas seal.
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  • A New Method for Calculation of Formation Parameters by Hall Derivative Curve
  • Ran Lingbo, Yang Erlong
  • 2018, 31 (04): 90-93. DOI::10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2018.04.016
  • Abstract ( ) PDF ( 2145KB ) ( )   
  • The modified hall curve method is qualitative identification of stratum pore passage characteristics from relative relationship between derivative curve and integral curve. The analytic solution formula contains the work systemrelated parameters, however, the work system often changes in practice production, therefore, this formula is slightly different from the ideal model used in the modified hall curve method. The derivative numerical solution curve and analytic solution curve plotted according the actual production data are different from the modified hall curve. In order to avoid the effect of work system on analytic solution and quantitatively identify pore passage characteristics, the derivative numerical solution calculated from the production data of one block was taken into the analytic solution formula, and the proposed correction efficient was used to modify the parameters related to the working system, and the correction efficient was 1.2. The permeability was used as an unknown value, and the derivative numerical solution calculated from the initial production data of the block was taken to the analytic solution formula. The comparison of the calculated permeability and actual formation permeability of the wells showed that the number of wells with the error below 8% accounted for 91.4% of total number of wells, verifying that this method was rational and effective. For one well, the permeability was 16.41 mD at initial production stage, and the predicted formation permeability was 36.77 mD after longterm water injection. It was found that an increase in formation permeability after longterm water injection showed that preferential migration passages were produced, which was consistent with the plotted modified Hall curve. 
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