Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2009, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 17-19.

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Synthesis of Mesoporous Materials With Large Surface Area and Micropore Duct


  1. 1.Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029,P.R.China; 
    2.Beijing Institute of Petro-Chemical Technology, Beijing 102617,P.R.China; 
    3.Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,P.R.China
  • Received:2008-01-18 Revised:2008-12-04 Published:2009-06-25 Online:2009-06-25


崔 苗1, 李凤艳2, 孙桂大2, 张玲玲2, 赵天波3   

  1. 1.北京化工大学,北京100029;
  • 作者简介:崔苗(1983 -), 女, 河北石家庄市, 在读硕士
  • 基金资助:
    973 计划项目(2003CB615802)

Abstract: The mesoporous materials were synthesized by an nanometer assembly crystallization process and characterized by XRD ,BET ,SEM ,TEM and NH- TPD.The results of XRD show that the zeolite belongs to hexagonal symmetry,and it is a pure phase. The result of N adsorption-desorption isotherm shows that the zeolite has both micropore and mesopore structure and Langmuir surface area is 1135he circumscription blurry.The TEM photos show that the zeolite has dense aperture and inhomogeneous dimension.IR shows that the zeolite presents much more Bronsted and Lewis acidic sites than HMCM -41.The catalytic cracking activity of 1,3,5 triisopropylbenzene over the zeolite is much higher than that over HMCM -41due to its structure and more acid amount.

Key words: Zeolite , Micropore , Mesopore , HMCM-41

摘要: 采用纳米组装法合成介孔分子筛材料,用 XRD ,BET ,SEM ,TEM ,IR对其进行表征。XRD测试显示此种分子筛属于六方晶相,并且只存在此单一晶相;N2 吸附-脱附测试显示,此种分子筛具有微孔和中孔结构,比表面积高达1 135 m2/g;SEM照片显示分子筛晶体呈团聚状地生长在一起,晶界不再明显;TEM照片显示分子筛表面分布着较密集的孔道,而且孔道尺寸不均一;吡啶红外吸附光谱显示,此种分子筛与 HMCM - 41分子筛相比,具有更多的B酸和L酸中心。对于大分子烃 1 ,3 ,5 -三异丙基苯的催化裂化反应,与 HMCM - 41分子筛相比,此种分子筛的活性远大于 HMCM - 41分子筛。

关键词: 分子筛 , 微孔 , 中孔 , HMCM-41

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CUI Miao, LI Feng-yan, SUN Gui-da, ZHANG Ling-ling,et al. Synthesis of Mesoporous Materials With Large Surface Area and Micropore Duct[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2009, 22(2): 17-19.

崔 苗,李凤艳,孙桂大,张玲玲,赵天波. 具有高比表面积和微孔-介孔分子筛的合成[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2009, 22(2): 17-19.

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