›› 2017, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 34-39.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2017.02.007

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Experiment Study on Sensitivity of Tight Oil Reservoir

Lyu Daoping1, Yang Shenglai2, Ma Quanzheng2, Yang Long1, Ru Kejian1, Lei Hao2, Li Ying2   

  1. 1.ExperimentalTestingInstitute,XinjiangOilfieldBranch,CNPC,KaramayXinjiang 834000,China;
    2.MOE KeyLaboratoryofPetroleum Engineering,ChinaUniversityofPetroleum (Beijing),Beijing 102249,China
  • Received:2016-09-14 Revised:2016-11-09 Published:2017-04-20 Online:2017-05-05


吕道平1,杨胜来2,马铨峥2,杨 龙1,茹克建1,雷 浩2,李 滢2   

  1. 1.中国石油新疆油田分公司实验检测研究院,新疆克拉玛依834000;
  • 通讯作者: 马铨峥(1989-),男,博士研究生,从事油气渗流理论研究;E-mail:maqz89@163.com。
  • 作者简介:吕道平(1967-),男,高级工程师,从事砾岩油藏渗流规律实验研究;E-mail:Ldaoping@petrochina.com.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract:          Tight oil reservoirs are buried deeply, its permeability is low, and it is easily influenced by sensitivity. So, it is important to study the sensitivity of tight oil reservoir to prevent reservoir damage and improve oilfield efficient development. However, due to the difficulty of water injection in tight reservoirs, the flow velocity is slow and takes longer time. In this paper, an evaluation method of reservoir sensitivity flow experiment was adopted, and sensitivity experiment on some rock samples of four wells in Xinjiang Jimsar basin Formation tight oil was conducted. The results show that the average damage of water sensitivity is 43.64%, velocity sensitive damage is 24.3%, salt sensitivity damage is 33.80%, acid sensitivity damage is 15.66%,and the critical velocity is 24.63 m/d. This tight oil reservoir has medium water sensitivity and salt sensitivity while weak acid sensitivity and velocity sensitivity. Base on the research above we have a certain understanding of this reservoir's sensitivity, which provides a theoretical basis for rational exploitation of the oilfield and reduces the damage of tight reservoir.

Key words: Tightoilreservoir, Sensitivityevaluate, Watersensitivity, Velocitysensitivity, Saltsensitivity, Acidsensitivit

摘要:         致密性储层埋藏深、渗透率特别低,受敏感性影响较大,研究致密性储层的敏感性对避免不合理的开采方式对储层造成伤害,从而有利于油田高效开发。但由于致密储层注水困难,实验过程中,流速慢、耗时较长。本文采用储层敏感性流动实验评价方法,通过对新疆吉木萨尔致密储层4口油井的若干岩样进行敏感性实验,并对实验结果进行了分析、评价。结果表明,该致密性储层岩样水敏损害程度平均为43.64%,速敏损害程度平均为24.3%,盐敏损害程度平均为33.80%,酸敏损害程度平均为15.66%,临界流速为24.63m/d;该致密性储层具有中等偏弱水敏性、弱速敏性、中等偏弱盐敏性、弱酸敏性。研究结果为该区块油田采取合理的开采方式,降低敏感性对储层的伤害提供理论依据。

关键词: 致密油储层, 敏感性评价, 水敏性, 速敏性, 盐敏性, 酸敏性

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Lyu Daoping, Yang Shenglai, Ma Quanzheng, Yang Long, Ru Kejian, Lei Hao, Li Ying. Experiment Study on Sensitivity of Tight Oil Reservoir[J]. , 2017, 30(2): 34-39.

吕道平,杨胜来,马铨峥,杨 龙,茹克建,雷 浩,李 滢. 致密储油层敏感性实验研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2017, 30(2): 34-39.