Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2009, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 5-8.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2009.04.002

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Synthesis of Al/La-Cross-Linked Montmorillonite and Catalytic Property


  1. College of Chemical and Chemistry Engineering of Qiqihar University, Qiqihar Heilongjiang 161006, P.R.China
  • Received:2009-03-01 Revised:2009-09-14 Published:2009-12-25 Online:2009-12-25



  1. 齐齐哈尔大学化学与化工学院
  • 作者简介:宋旭东(1981 -), 男, 山东莱西市, 在读硕士
  • 基金资助:
    黑龙江省自然科学基金(E200530);黑龙江省科技攻关项目(2004G0332 -00)


Al/La-pillared and Al-pillared montmorillonite were prepared from the raw material Na-montmorillonite, and characterized by XRD, nitrogen adsorption, NH3-TPD, SEM and particle distribution. The ketalation was used as a probe reaction to study the catalyst activity of Al/La-pillared montmorillonite, and compared with Al-pillared montmorillonite. The results show that the crystal form of Al/La-pillared montmorillonite is more better than Al-pillared montmorillonite, the interlamellar spacing is more bigger than Na-montmorillonite. When n(Al)/n(La) is 25∶1 and n(Al+La)/n(Na-mont) is 2, the interlamellar spacing of Al/La-pillared montmorillonite is 1.81 nm, the surface area of BET is 183 m2/g, and the temperature of NH3-desorption(228 ℃) than Al-pillared montmorillonite is 70 ℃. The yield of cyclohexanone ethylene ketal can reach 85% in the presence of Al/La -pillared montmorillonite. 

Key words: Lanthanum , Aluminum ,  Cross-linked ,  Montmorillonite ,  Catalytic property

摘要: 以钠基蒙脱土为原料制备了镧铝交联蒙脱土催化剂,利用XRD、N2低温吸附、NH3-TPD、SEM和粒径分布等方法研究了镧加入量对铝改性蒙脱土结构的影响,并用于催化1,2-丙二醇和环己酮的缩合反应。实验结果表明,铝镧交联蒙脱土晶形比铝交联蒙脱土更加规整,层间距较蒙脱土明显增大,在n(Al)/n(La)=25∶1和n(Al+La)/n(Na-mont)=2时,层间距达到了1.81 nm,镧铝交联蒙脱土比表面积达到最大为183 m2/g,氨气的脱附温度为228℃,较铝交联蒙脱土增加了70℃;Al/La-mont催化缩酮合成,缩酮收率达到了85%。

关键词: 镧 , 铝 , 交联 , 蒙脱土 , 催化性能

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