Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2008, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 78-83.

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Optimizing Design for Complicated Heat-Exchange Networks in Chemical Industry

GE Yu-lin1,2, SHEN Sheng-qiang1, JI Xin-sheng1, LIU Xiao-hua1   

  1. (1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Liaoning 116024, P. R. China;  2. Design Institute of Jinzhou Petrochemcal Corporation, Jinzhou Liaoning 121001,P. R. China)
  • Received:2007-10-30 Published:2008-12-20 Online:2017-07-05


葛玉林1,2 , 沈胜强1 , 冀新生1 , 刘晓华1   

  1. (1 .大连理工大学能源与动力学院, 辽宁大连116024 ; 2 .锦州石油化工公司设计院, 辽宁锦州12
  • 作者简介:葛玉林(1963 -), 男, 山东日照市, 高级工程师, 博士
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The energy consumption of a complicated heat-exchange network in chemical industry was studied with pinch point technology and the technology of flow simulations. A new design was provided which reclaims the greatest remained energy. It was found that some special loops in heat-exchange network have some new characteristics which have not been mentioned in former dissertations, while optimizing the new designed network through disconnecting the loops in the network. It was not appropriate for disconnecting these special loops to use the general method. For the problem, proposes an advanced solution method and examines the solution with the help of flow simulations technology. The results show that adjusting interrelated parameters solves some probably problems of new network run process. Using the technology of flow simulations can more apply the pinch point technology in heat-exchange network design.

Key words: Pinch point technology , Flow simulations , Loops of heat duty ,  Energy conservation

摘要: 利用夹点技术对一个复杂化工换热网络进行了用能诊断, 并结合流程模拟技术新设计出一个能量回
收量最大的换热网络。在用断开热负荷回路的方法对所得到的新换热网络进行调优时, 发现一些热负荷回路出现
了与以往夹点技术论述中所没有提及的新特点。用常规的方法对这些特殊的热负荷回路进行断开已不太适应, 对
此提出了解决的办法, 并借助流程模拟技术对此方法进行检验。结果表明, 通过调整有关参数消除了新网络在实际
运行中可能出现的问题。因此, 采用流程模拟技术, 可使夹点技术更好地应用于实际的换热网络设计中。

关键词: 夹点技术 , 流程模拟 , 热负荷回路 , 节能

Cite this article

GE Yu-lin1,2, SHEN Sheng-qiang1, JI Xin-sheng1, LIU Xiao-hua1. Optimizing Design for Complicated Heat-Exchange Networks in Chemical Industry[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2008, 21(4): 78-83.

葛玉林, 沈胜强,冀新生,刘晓华. 大型化工换热网络优化分析[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2008, 21(4): 78-83.

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