石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 11-18.DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2025.01.002

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈世军1(), 郭姿彤1, 高阳2, 王鹏程3, 肖茹丹4   

  1. 1.西安石油大学 化学化工学院,陕西 西安 710065
    2.中国石油长庆油田分公司 第六采油厂,陕西 西安 710000
    3.中国石油 长庆油田分公司 第九采油厂,陕西 西安 710000
    4.西安石油大学 石油工程学院,陕西 西安 710065
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-11 修回日期:2024-11-18 出版日期:2025-02-25 发布日期:2025-02-15
  • 作者简介:陈世军(1979-),男,博士,副教授,从事油气田新型化学剂的开发与应用方面的研究;E-mail:csjun@xsyu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Molecular Structure on Oil Displacement Performance of Betaine Surfactant

Shijun CHEN1(), Zitong GUO1, Yang GAO2, Pengcheng WANG3, Rudan XIAO4   

  1. 1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xi 'an Shiyou University,Xi 'an Shaanxi 710065,China
    2.Oil Production Plant 6,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company,Xi 'an Shaanxi 710000,China
    3.Oil Production Plant 9,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company,Xi 'an Shaanxi 710000,China
    4.School of Petroleum Engineering,Xi 'an Shiyou University,Xi 'an Shaanxi 710065,China
  • Received:2024-09-11 Revised:2024-11-18 Published:2025-02-25 Online:2025-02-15



关键词: 甜菜碱表面活性剂, 烷基链碳数, 采收率, 分子动力学


Betaine surfactants have been widely used as oil displacement agents for tertiary oil recovery due to their unique amphiphilic structure,high surface activity,low critical micelle concentration and good emulsification performance.To investigate the effect of alkyl carbon chain number on the chemical flooding performance of betaine surfactants,5 kinds of betaine solutions with alkyl carbon chain number (n) of 12,14,16,18 and 20 were selected,and their interfacial tension and emulsification properties were tested.The parameters of radial distribution,density distribution,mean azimuth shift,rotation radius and binding energy were analyzed by using MS software,and conducted indoor simulated oil displacement experiments.The results show that with the increase of the number of carbon atoms of long alkyl chain,the oil displacement performance of surfactants was first enhanced and then weakened,and the chemical displacement performance of C16HBC surfactants in betaine was the best.The effects of betaine solution with different alkyl carbon chain number on its energy,radial distribution,density distribution, mean orientation shift, binding energy and other parameters were determined by molecular simulation studies.Simulation oil displacement experiments verified that C16HBC surfactant could significantly improve oil recovery by 20.7%.

Key words: Betaine surfactant, Alkyl carbon chain number, Recovery efficiency, Molecular dynamics



陈世军, 郭姿彤, 高阳, 王鹏程, 肖茹丹. 分子结构对甜菜碱表面活性剂驱油性能的影响[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2025, 38(1): 11-18.

Shijun CHEN, Zitong GUO, Yang GAO, Pengcheng WANG, Rudan XIAO. Effect of Molecular Structure on Oil Displacement Performance of Betaine Surfactant[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2025, 38(1): 11-18.
