石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (01): 49-56.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2018.01.009

• 石油工程 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.中国石油大学(北京)提高采收率研究院,北京102249;2.中国石油三次采油重点实验室低渗油田提高采收率应用基础理论研究室,北京102249;3.教育部油田开发重点实验室,北京102249
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-08 修回日期:2018-11-08 出版日期:2018-02-28 发布日期:2018-02-27
  • 作者简介::程婷婷(1984-),女,博士研究生,从事采油化学及提高采收率研究工作;E-mail:97533844@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    :国家科技重大专项(2011ZX05009-004);中国海油“智能释放自组装桥接颗粒封堵技术研究服务” (CCL2016TJTJLST0692)。

Injection Optimization of a Self-Assembled Particles  System for Conformance Control

Cheng Tingting1,2,3, Hou Jirui1,2,3, An Haoying1,2,3   

  1. 1. Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249,China;2. Basic Theory Laboratory of Improve Oil Recovery in Low Permeability Oil Field,Tertiary Oil Recovery Key Laboratory,Petro China,Beijing 102249,China;3. Oilfield Development Key Laboratory of MOE,Beijing 102249,China
  • Received:2017-10-08 Revised:2018-11-08 Published:2018-02-28 Online:2018-02-27

摘要: 针对渤海油田储层渗透率高、水驱窜流严重的问题,采用新型自组装颗粒调驱体系,进行室内封堵以及驱油实验研究,并对颗粒注入方式进行对比。静态实验表明,自组装颗粒具有良好的耐温耐盐性能,耐温100 ℃, 耐盐35 000 mg/L;封堵实验表明,对于渗透率为10 000×10-3 μm2 左右的砂管模型,采用胍胶或聚合物溶液悬浮颗粒封堵后,砂管渗透率降至3000×10-3 μm2 左右,砂管有效封堵率达70%;驱油实验表明,对于渗透率为20000× 10-3 μm2 和4 000×10-3 μm2 的并联砂管模型,在水驱采出程度为27.34%~28.17%的基础上,注入0.4PV 自组装颗粒调驱体系,其采出程度可提高28.57%~38.76%,最终达55.91%~66.80%,且采用胍胶或聚合物悬浮颗粒的注入方式效果较好。实验揭示了自组装颗粒的封堵机理主要是填充封堵、架桥封堵、黏接封堵。

关键词: 自组装颗粒, 调驱, 砂管模型, 封堵率, 提高采收率, 机理分析

Abstract: In view of high permeability and serious water channeling in Bohai oilfield, a new type selfassembled particles profile control system was investigated. Laboratory plugging and oil displacement experiments were carried out with different injection modes. Static experiments showed that self-assembled particles had good properties of heat-resistance and salt-resistance, and it was applicable on the reservoir conditions of 65 ℃ and 35 000 mg/L. Plugging experiments showed that for sand-filled pipe which permeability was about 10 000×10-3 μm2 , after particles plugging with guanidine gum or polymer as suspension liquid, the permeability was dropped to about 3 000×10-3 μm2 and effective plugging rate was above 70%. Oil displacement experiments showed that for parallel sand-filled pipes which permeability was about 20 000×10-3 ,4 000×10-3 μm2 , when water-flooding recovery was 27.34%~28.17%, the degree of extraction can be improved by 28.57%~38.76% after injecting 0.4 PV self-assembled particles displacement system, and it can be up to 55.91%~66.80% finally. It should be noted the injection mode with guanidine gum or polymer was better. Mechanism analysis revealed selfassembled particles displacement system had plugging functions such as filling, bridging and adhesion.

Key words: Self-assembled particles, Conformance control, Sand pack, Plugging rate, Enhanced oil recovery, Mechanism analysis


程婷婷,侯吉瑞,安昊盈. 自组装颗粒调驱体系注入方式优选实验研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2018, 31(01): 49-56.

Cheng Tingting, Hou Jirui, An Haoying. Injection Optimization of a Self-Assembled Particles  System for Conformance Control[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2018, 31(01): 49-56.
