石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 32-36.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2014.02.007

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. ( 1. 辽宁石油化工大学, 辽宁抚顺1 1 3 0 0 1; 2. 中国石油抚顺石化公司洗涤剂化工厂, 辽宁抚顺1 1 3 0 0 1)
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-16 修回日期:2014-01-15 出版日期:2014-04-25 发布日期:2014-06-16
  • 作者简介:龙文宇( 1 9 7 8 - ) , 男, 硕士, 讲师, 从事油品非加氢精制研究; E - m a i l : l w y f u s h u n@s i n a. c o m。
  • 基金资助:
    中国石油天然气股份有限集团公司资助项目( 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 3 6)

Furfural Refining on Second Vacuum Dewaxed Distillate

  1. (1. Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, China; 2. Detergent Chemical Factory, PetroChina Fushun Petrochemical Company, Fushun Liaoning 113001, China)
  • Received:2013-12-16 Revised:2014-01-15 Published:2014-04-25 Online:2014-06-16

摘要: 大庆涠洲混合减二线脱蜡油为原料, 先后进行了工业装置理论塔板数标定、 多级静态及中试规模的 糠醛溶剂精制实验研究。结果表明, 工业装置理论塔板数为2块。剂油体积比为5. 4 7∶1的假二段实验与剂油体积 比为3. 2∶1的假四段实验精制油的黏度指数均可达到1 0 0, 收率分别为6 4. 0 7%与6 6. 0 1%。具有4块理论板数的中 试装置在剂油体积比为3. 2 7∶1条件下得到的精制油黏度指数为1 0 1, 收率为7 0. 5%。精制油产品质量能够满足 HV I 1 5 0 S N润滑油基础油的质量要求。

关键词: 润滑油基础油,    ,  , 糠醛精制,    ,  , 多级静态萃取,    ,  , 黏度指数

Abstract: Solvent refining on the second vacuum dewaxed distillate refined from the mixed oil of Daqing and Weizhou using furfural was investigated. Calibration on theoretical plate number in the extraction column, multistage static extraction and pilot plant experiment were carried out in turns. The results show that theoretical plate number in the column is two. Viscosity index of refined oil is 100 under both simulatetwostage extractions when the value of volume ratio of solvent to oil (S/O) was 5.47∶1 and simulatefourstage extractions when the S/O was 3.2∶1, and the yield of refined oil is 64.07% and 66.01% respectively. Besides, viscosity index of the refined oil is 101 in the pilot plant with four theoretical plates when the S/O was 327∶1, and the yield of refined oil is 70.5%. The lubricating base oil meets the quality specification of HVI150SN.

Key words: Lubricating base oil,    ,  Furfural refining,    , Multistage static extraction,    ,  Viscosity index


龙文宇, 李东胜, 李晓鸥, 秦永航, 杜振佰. 大庆涠洲混合减二线脱蜡油糠醛精制[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2014, 27(2): 32-36.

Long Wenyu, Li Dongsheng, Li Xiaoou,et al. Furfural Refining on Second Vacuum Dewaxed Distillate[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2014, 27(2): 32-36.
