石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 21-25.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2011.04.006

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 东北石油大学化学化工学院石油与天然气化工省重点实验室,黑龙江大庆163318
  • 收稿日期:2011-07-20 修回日期:2011-08-18 出版日期:2011-08-25 发布日期:2011-08-25
  • 作者简介:王俊(1965 -), 男, 黑龙江泰来县, 教授, 博士
  • 基金资助:

Compatibility Between Hindered Phenolic Antioxidant and Polyethylene

  1. Provincial Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Chemical Technology, School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing Heilongjiang 163318, P.R.China
  • Received:2011-07-20 Revised:2011-08-18 Published:2011-08-25 Online:2011-08-25

摘要: 同时采用质量增重法和傅里叶红外光谱法(FT-IR)定量和定性研究了4种常用受阻酚类抗氧剂与 PE(7047)树脂的相容作用,结果表明,高温时受阻酚类抗氧剂与PE的相容作用平稳性较差,而浓度对4种受阻酚类抗氧剂与PE的相容作用影响较小。4种抗氧剂在添加量范围内与PE树脂均具有良好的相容性,且以BHT 最优,其次为抗氧剂1098和1076,最后为抗氧剂1010,并简要探讨了分子结构对相容作用的影响。

关键词: 受阻酚类抗氧剂 , 聚乙烯 , 相容作用

Abstract: The compatibility between four phenolic antioxidants and PE(7047)was studied quantita-tively and qualitatively by weight increased and FT-IR spectra.The results show that hindered phenolic antioxidants have poor stationarity on compatibility with PE in high temperature,the effect of concentration on the compatibility of hindered phenolic antioxidant and PE is little.All the four antioxidants have good compatibility with PE resin,in the range of additive amount,and BHT is the best,1098 and 1076 followed,1010 in the end,and the effect of molecular structure on compatibility had been discussed briefly.

Key words: Hindered phenolic antioxidant , Polyethylene , Compatibility


王俊,史春霞,李翠勤,陈帅. 受阻酚类抗氧剂与聚乙烯树脂的相容作用研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2011, 24(4): 21-25.

WANG Jun, SHI Chun-xia, LI Cui-qin, CHEN Shuai. Compatibility Between Hindered Phenolic Antioxidant and Polyethylene[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2011, 24(4): 21-25.
