石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 18-22.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006396X.2013.03.005

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (常州大学江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室,江苏常州213164)
  • 收稿日期:2013-01-17 出版日期:2013-06-25 发布日期:2013-06-25
  • 作者简介:杨基和(1955-),女,江苏泰州市,教授。

The Comparative Study on the FCC Reaction of Components Rich  in Saturated Hydrocarbons Under Different Processes

  1. (Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Fine Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou Jiangsu 213164, China)
  • Received:2013-01-17 Published:2013-06-25 Online:2013-06-25

摘要: 对油浆采用不同加工工艺,得到3种油品。利用FBB装置,对这3种油品采用两种加工路线。结果表明,在各自目标产物收率最大的情况下,抽余油1反应条件最苛刻,其次轻油浆,最后为抽余油2,目标产物收率分别为69.35%、73.85%和79.76%;在相同操作条件下,抽余油2裂化产品分布最好,其次是轻油浆,抽余油1最差;重油掺炼抽余油2可以较好地改善产品分布,提高目标产物收率2.47%,降低干气和焦炭收率分别为0.25%和1.61%;掺炼轻油浆对FCC产品分布影响不大;掺炼抽余油1使得产品分布变差。

关键词: 油浆 , 减压蒸馏 , 抽提 , 抽余油 , 掺炼 , 催化裂化

Abstract: Three oils were got from slurry oil with different processing technologies. Two process were conducted on the three oils with FFB device. The results show that the reaction conditions of raffinate oil 1 are the harshest, the second light oil, the last for the raffinate oil 2 under the condition of each highest target product yield; the distribution of cracking product of raffinate oil 2 are the best, the second light oil, the last for the raffinate oil 2,the target product yields are 69.35%, 73.85% and 79.76% respectively; the heavy oil mixed with raffinate oil 2 can improve the distribution of product and increase the yield of target product yield 2.47% and low the dry gas and coke yield preferably which are 0.25% and 1.61% respectively, which has little effect on the distribution of FCC product when mixed with light slurry oil and has a bad effect on distribution of product when mixed with raffinate oil 1.

Key words: Slurry oil,    ,  Vacuum distillation,    ,  Extraction,   ,  Raffinate oil,    ,  Blending,    ,  Fluid catalytic cracking(FCC)


杨基和,傅亮. 不同工艺下油浆富饱和烃FCC反应对比研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2013, 26(3): 18-22.

YANG Jihe, FU Liang. The Comparative Study on the FCC Reaction of Components Rich  in Saturated Hydrocarbons Under Different Processes[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2013, 26(3): 18-22.
