石油化工高等学校学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 34-37.

• 石油化工 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨姝宜1, 李 萍1, 张振华2, 赵杉林2, 刘洪金2, 商丽艳1   

  1. 1.辽宁石油化工大学环境与生物工程学院,辽宁抚顺113001;
  • 收稿日期:2008-09-17 修回日期:2008-11-18 出版日期:2009-06-25 发布日期:2009-06-25
  • 作者简介:杨姝宜(1983 -), 女, 辽宁锦州市, 在读硕士
  • 基金资助:

The Performance of Different Humidity Sulfured Hydrogen Absorbed on the Surface of Ferrous Oxide

  • Received:2008-09-17 Revised:2008-11-18 Published:2009-06-25 Online:2009-06-25

摘要: 研究了H2S在Fe2O3表面的吸附反应过程,考察了温度,H2S湿度,H2S起始体积分数,Fe2O3湿度对吸附反应的影响。结果表明:温度的降低,H2S湿度和起始体积分数的增加,均促进吸附反应;而且当Fe2O3的湿度为 10%时,吸附 H 2 S的体积分数最大。干燥的H2S在干燥的Fe2O3表面也发生吸附反应,生成 FeS,对设备产生一定的腐蚀作用。

关键词: 吸附反应 , H2S 湿度 , Fe2O3 湿度 , 硫化反应

Abstract: The sulfured hydrogen gas adsorbed on the surface of ferrous oxide was investigated.The effect of temperature,humidity of sulfured hydrogen gas,volume ratio of sulfured hydrogen gas and humidity of ferrous oxide was discussed.The results show that decreasing sulfide temperature,increasing humidity and volume ratio of sulfured hydrogen gas would enhance the absorb reaction.And when the humidity of ferrous oxide was 10%,the absorb volume ratio of sulfured hydrogen gas is larger than other humidity of ferrous oxide.Another conclusion is that dry sulfured hydrogen gas adsorbed on the surface of
ferrous oxide and the product is sulfide ferrous,which can make an effect of corruption on the equipment.

Key words: Absorb reaction , Humidity of sulfured hydrogen gas , Humidity of ferrous oxide , Sulfide reaction


杨姝宜,李 萍,张振华,赵杉林. 不同湿度的H2S在Fe2O3表面的吸附反应研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2009, 22(2): 34-37.

YANG Shu-yi, LI Ping, ZHANG Zhen-hua, ZHAO Shan-lin,rt al. The Performance of Different Humidity Sulfured Hydrogen Absorbed on the Surface of Ferrous Oxide[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2009, 22(2): 34-37.


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