辽宁石油化工大学学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (04): 40-44.DOI: :10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2018.04.008

• 材料科学与新能源 • 上一篇    下一篇


袁凯恒1,柯 海1,袁运强2   

  1. 1.广东省公路管理局茂名沥青储运中心,广东茂名525000;2.茂名园林局,广东茂名525000
  • 收稿日期:2017-06-04 修回日期:2017-08-24 出版日期:2018-08-25 发布日期:2018-08-22
  • 作者简介::袁凯恒(1986-),男,硕士,工程师,从事沥青材料的研究;E-mail:987810417@qq.com 。
  • 基金资助:

Application of Modified Emulsified Asphalt in Huiyang Section of G205

Yuan Kaiheng1, Ke Hai1, Yuan Yunqiang2   

  1. 1.Maoming Asphalt Storage and Transportation Center, Guangdong Provincial Highway Administration Bureau,  Maoming Guangdong 525000, China; 2.Maoming Landscape Bureau, Maoming Guangdong 525000, China
  • Received:2017-06-04 Revised:2017-08-24 Published:2018-08-25 Online:2018-08-22

摘要: 乳化沥青混合料可以提前开放交通、方便群众出行、提高工作效率、促进经济发展,已经在世界各地大范围推广,然而目前乳化技术也存在很多问题,例如不能抗低温冻害、黏附性差、抗老化性差等。经过反复研究, 在添加乳化剂的基础上添加一种高分子改性材料,复配出一种性能优越的改性乳化沥青。根据乳化剂改性机理,选择了慢裂快凝型乳化剂、SBS高分子改性材料,采用复配的方式开始试验,最后对性能测试指标进行比较,确定最优配比,为乳化沥青的路面应用提供可能。经过在试验段摊铺,结果显示改性乳化沥青材料在G205惠阳段的应用效果极好,能够提前开放交通,达到行业标准的要求,符合绿色低碳的发展理念。

关键词: 改性, 乳化沥青, 路面应用

Abstract: Emulsified asphalt mixture can open up traffic in advance, greatly facilitate the masses of travel, improve production efficiency, and promote the development of the local economy. It has been widely promoted around the world. However, there are many problems in emulsification technology, such as the inability to resist freezing damage, poor adhesion, poor aging resistance and so on. After repeated studies, adding a polymer modified material was added on the basis of adding emulsifiers, and a new kind of emulsified asphalt with superior performance was compounded. According to the mechanism of emulsifier modification, the slow cracking fast condensing emulsifier and SBS polymer modified material were selected, and the mixture ratio test was started by compounding methods. Finally, the performance test indexes are compared to determine the optimal mix ratio for emulsified asphalt, which provides the possibility for the pavement application of emulsified asphalt. After being paved in the test section, the result shows that the application of modified emulsified asphalt material in the G205 Huiyang section is excellent, and it can open up the traffic in advance to meet the requirements of industry standards, and conforms to the development concept of green and low-carbon.

Key words: Modification, Emulsified asphalt, Pavement application


袁凯恒,柯 海,袁运强. 改性乳化沥青在G205惠阳段的应用[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2018, 38(04): 40-44.

Yuan Kaiheng, Ke Hai, Yuan Yunqiang. Application of Modified Emulsified Asphalt in Huiyang Section of G205[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2018, 38(04): 40-44.


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