辽宁石油化工大学学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 17-21.DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1672-6952.2023.06.003

• 化学与化学工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜昊1(), 李丽华1(), 马诚1, 杨超2, 王晨2, 张宏3   

  1. 1.辽宁石油化工大学 石油化工学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001
    2.中国石化大连石油化工研究院,辽宁 大连 116045
    3.中国石油辽河油田公司勘探开发研究院,辽宁 盘锦 124010
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-01 修回日期:2022-06-16 出版日期:2023-12-25 发布日期:2023-12-30
  • 通讯作者: 李丽华
  • 作者简介:杜昊(1996⁃),男,硕士研究生,从事复合材料及钻井液处理剂方面的研究;E⁃mail:892467403@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Study on High Temperature Plugging System of Bridge Sealing and Thermal Consolidation

Hao DU1(), Lihua LI1(), Cheng MA1, Chao YANG2, Chen WANG2, Hong ZHANG3   

  1. 1.School of Petrochemical Engineering,Liaoning Petrochemical University,Fushun Liaoning 113001,China
    2.Sinopec Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals,Dalian Liaoning 116045,China
    3.Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Liaohe Oilfifield Company,CNPC,Panjin Liaoning 124010,China
  • Received:2022-06-01 Revised:2022-06-16 Published:2023-12-25 Online:2023-12-30
  • Contact: Lihua LI


为了提高高温及复杂地层结构油井堵漏施工成功率,以制备出的温敏性自固结树脂对骨料材料进行表面改性,获得热致固结型刚性堵漏材料,配合其他助剂构建了可抗温至190 ℃的架桥封堵?热致固结高温堵漏体系。采用红外光谱、热分析、扫描电镜等分析手段,研究了温敏性自固结树脂、热致固结型刚性堵漏材料及架桥封堵?热致固结高温堵漏固结堵漏体系的分子结构、微观形貌及热稳定性。测试了架桥封堵?热致固结高温堵漏固结堵漏体系在膨润土浆中的悬浮稳定性、固结速率、固结体强度和渗透率等性能。结果表明,构建的堵漏体系在质量分数为5%的膨润土浆中具有悬浮稳定性好、固结时间窗口宽等优点;在90~190 ℃的温度下固化后,固结体抗压强度均达到6 MPa以上;在12 MPa的驱替压力及190 ℃的温度下固化的固结体的水相渗透率为6.32×103 μm2,封堵率大于98.00%,有望满足高温地层的堵漏要求。

关键词: 堵漏材料, 温敏性自固结树脂, 热致固结材料, 悬浮稳定性, 抗压强度, 渗透率


In order to improve the success rate of high temperature and complex formation structural oil wells, the preparative temperature sensitive self?consolidation resin is used to modify the surface of the aggregate material, and the thermally consolidated rigid plug material is obtained, then auxiliaries are chosen to build a novel bridge sealing and thermal consolidation plugging system that could resist temperature to 190 ℃. Infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy were employed to study the molecular structure, microstructure and thermal stability of the resin, thermally consolidated rigid plug material and the plugging system, the suspension stability, consolidation rate, consolidation strength and permeability of the plugging system were also investigated. The results show that the constructed plugging system has the advantages of good suspension stability and wide solidification time window in bentonite slurry with mass fraction of 5%, and the compressive strength of the solidified body after curing at 90~190 ℃ are all over 6 MPa; at the same time, the water phase permeability of the solidified body cured at 190 ℃ is 6.32×103 μm2 under the driving pressure of 12 MPa, and the plugging rate is more than 98.00%. It is expected to meet the plugging requirements of high?temperature formation.

Key words: Plugging material, Thermosensitive self?consolidation resin, Thermal consolidation material, Suspension stability, Compressive strength, Permeability



杜昊, 李丽华, 马诚, 杨超, 王晨, 张宏. 架桥封堵⁃热致固结高温堵漏体系研究[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报, 2023, 43(6): 17-21.

Hao DU, Lihua LI, Cheng MA, Chao YANG, Chen WANG, Hong ZHANG. Study on High Temperature Plugging System of Bridge Sealing and Thermal Consolidation[J]. Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University, 2023, 43(6): 17-21.


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