Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2023, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 67-72.DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2023.05.009

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Preparation and Properties of Perovskite Photovoltaic Cell Encapsulation Materials

Heming ZHAO1(), Liping CHEN2, Qi WEI1, Longjiao YU1, Jiansong YANG1, Fuqiang SHI1, Shiwei WANG1()   

  1. 1.School of Chemistry and Engineering,Changchun University of Technology,Changchun Jilin 130012,China
    2.Liaoning Provincial Nonferrous Geology 103 Team Co. ,Ltd. ,Dandong Liaoning 118000,China
  • Received:2023-03-19 Revised:2023-07-20 Published:2023-10-25 Online:2023-11-06
  • Contact: Shiwei WANG


赵鹤鸣1(), 陈丽萍2, 魏奇1, 于龙娇1, 杨健松1, 石富强1, 王世伟1()   

  1. 1.长春工业大学 化学工程学院,吉林 长春 130012
    2.辽宁省有色地质一〇三队有限责任公司,辽宁 丹东 118000
  • 通讯作者: 王世伟
  • 作者简介:赵鹤鸣(2001⁃),男,硕士研究生,从事钙钛矿光伏电池封装材料方面的研究;E⁃
  • 基金资助:


Perovskite photovoltaic cells are considered as the most promising third generation photovoltaic products due to their high photoelectric conversion efficiency and flexible processing while the high temperature encapsulation process of traditional encapsulation materials can hardly meet the demand of high performance of perovskite photovoltaic modules.In this paper, an adhesive film material by free radical co?polymerization process was successfully synthesized.Light transmission and bonding are characterized by infrared spectroscopy and tensile testing machine,confirming that the polymer is very suitable for chalcogenide photovoltaic cell encapsulation,and that the polymer can be effectively adhered to the chalcogenide solar cell and the outer layer of the glass at 80 ℃.The polymer is suitable for the encapsulation of chalcogenide photovoltaic cells.The photoelectric conversion efficiency of the encapsulated PSCs can reach 20.59%,and the encapsulated PSCs devices show good impact resistance.

Key words: Free radical polymerization, Perovskite photovoltaic cell, Photovoltaic building integrated, Encapsulation


钙钛矿光伏电池具有光电转换效率高、可柔性加工等优势,被认为是最有应用前景的第三代光伏产品。传统封装材料的高温封装过程很难满足钙钛矿光伏组件高性能化的需求。以丙烯酸酯类单体为原料,通过自由基共聚合工艺,成功合成了一种适合钙钛矿光伏电池封装的胶膜材料;利用红外光谱、拉力试验机等对材料的结构、透光率和黏结特性等进行了表征。结果表明,该胶膜材料非常适合钙钛矿光伏电池的封装,可以在80 ℃实现对钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSCs)和外层玻璃的有效黏结;封装后PSCs光电转换效率可达20.59%,并且封装后的PSCs器件表现出良好的抗冲击性能。

关键词: 自由基聚合, 钙钛矿光伏电池, 光伏建筑一体化, 封装

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Heming ZHAO, Liping CHEN, Qi WEI, Longjiao YU, Jiansong YANG, Fuqiang SHI, Shiwei WANG. Preparation and Properties of Perovskite Photovoltaic Cell Encapsulation Materials[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2023, 36(5): 67-72.

赵鹤鸣, 陈丽萍, 魏奇, 于龙娇, 杨健松, 石富强, 王世伟. 钙钛矿光伏电池封装材料的制备与性能研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2023, 36(5): 67-72.