Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2023, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 60-66.DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2023.05.008

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Structure and Properties of [LaCu6(OH)3(ClO43(Gly)6(Im)6](ClO42· 3(MeOH)

Yaqi ZHANG(), Xuechuan LÜ(), Xiaofan ZHANG, Yue KE, Xue HUANG, Xiaohan GAO   

  1. School of Petrochemical Engineering,Liaoning Petrochemical University,Fushun Liaoning 113001,China
  • Received:2023-03-15 Revised:2023-04-20 Published:2023-10-25 Online:2023-11-06
  • Contact: Xuechuan Lü


张雅琦(), 吕雪川(), 张晓帆, 柯越, 黄雪, 高肖汉   

  1. 辽宁石油化工大学 石油化工学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001
  • 通讯作者: 吕雪川
  • 作者简介:张雅琦(1998⁃),女,硕士研究生,从事稀土配合物方面的研究;E⁃
  • 基金资助:


The rare earth?transition metal complex [LaCu6(OH)3(ClO43(Gly)6(Im)6](ClO42·3(MeOH) (Gly = glycine,Im = imidazole) has been synthesized by evaporation method.The complex crystallizes in the trigonal crystal system with the R3 space group,a=1.591 99(12) nm,b=1.591 99(12) nm,c=2.354 20(2) nm,α=β=90°,γ=120°.The coordination units of the complexes are extended into three?dimensional structures via various forms of hydrogen bonding.The properties of the complex were characterized by infrared analysis,thermogravimetric analysis,fluorescence analysis and magnetic analysis.The results showed that the weight loss process of the complex is roughly divided into three steps,and the complex shows great thermal stability.Three characteristic peaks were found in fluorescence emission spectrum of the complex,which indicates that the complex exhibits weak fluorescence.There is antiferromagnetic interaction between metal ions in the complex.

Key words: Imidazole, Glycine, Complex, Three?dimensional structure, Anti?ferromagnetic interaction


采用缓慢蒸发法合成了具有三维结构的稀土?过渡金属配合物[LaCu6(OH)3(ClO43(Gly)6(Im)6]?(ClO42·3(MeOH)(Gly=甘氨酸,Im=咪唑),配合物属三方晶系,R3空间群,a=1.591 99(12) nm,b=1.591 99(12) nm,c=2.354 20(2) nm,α=β=90°,γ=120°。配合物的配位单元经由多种形式的氢键延伸为三维结构。通过红外光谱分析、热重分析、荧光分析、磁性分析对配合物的性质进行了表征。结果表明,配合物失重大致分为3步,热稳定性较好;配合物的荧光发射光谱存在3个特征峰,具有较弱的荧光性;配合物中金属离子间存在反铁磁相互作用。

关键词: 咪唑, 甘氨酸, 配合物, 三维结构, 反铁磁相互作用

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Yaqi ZHANG, Xuechuan LÜ, Xiaofan ZHANG, Yue KE, Xue HUANG, Xiaohan GAO. Structure and Properties of [LaCu6(OH)3(ClO43(Gly)6(Im)6](ClO42· 3(MeOH)[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2023, 36(5): 60-66.

张雅琦, 吕雪川, 张晓帆, 柯越, 黄雪, 高肖汉. [LaCu6(OH)3(ClO43(Gly)6(Im)6](ClO42·3(MeOH)的结构及性质[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2023, 36(5): 60-66.