Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2007, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 70-73.

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Numerical Simulation of Reactor for Methanol Steam Reforming in Automobile

LI Cong, LI Xing-hu, JIANG Lei, SONG Ling-jun   

    Department of Automobile Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083, P.R. China
  • Received:2006-11-01 Published:2007-03-20 Online:2017-06-28


李 聪, 李兴虎, 姜 磊, 宋凌珺   

  1. 北京航空航天大学汽车工程系,北京100083
  • 作者简介:李聪(1977-),女,山东潍坊市,在读博士。
  • 基金资助:


In order to investigate the temperature field and the distribution of the volume fraction of mixed gas in methanol reforming reactor, a two-dimensional mathematical model was presented for describing the complex physical and chemical processes in the reformer of methanol-steam. The numeration of the steady field in the reactor was made with software STAR-CD by using TGrid mesh technology and laminar flow model which dispersed the equation by finite volume difference method and solved by using SIMPLE arithmetic. The simulation result can describe the temperature field and the distribution of volume fraction of mixed gas in methanol reforming reactor. The model reliability was verified experimentally on self-designed equipment. The model can predict the temperature and volume fraction of various compositions, because the experiments dates are very close to simulated ones. The effect of the tube diameter on the reactor was investigated by using the model. The result shows that with the increase of diameter, the temperature is increased, but there is nearly no change of compositions volume fraction.

Key words: Methanol , Reforming , Reactor , Numerical model

摘要: 为研究车载甲醇重整制氢反应器内温度场和混合气体组分体积分数的分布情况,建立了描述催化器内复杂物理化学过程的二维数学模型。并用STAR-CD软件,选用TGrid网格技术、层流模型采用有限体积差分方法离散方程,用SIMPLE算法进行迭代求解,对催化器内的稳态流场进行了数值计算。模拟结果可以直接表征反应器内的温度场、气体组分体积分数分布。为了验证模型的可靠性,在自行设计的试验台上测试了反应器内温度分布和气体体积分数。经比较计算值与实验值相吻合。应用数学模型研究了管径对催化器的影响,结果表明随管径的增加,反应器内的温差增加;管径对气体组分体积分数影响不大。

关键词: 甲醇 , 重整 , 反应器 , 数值模拟

Cite this article

LI Cong, LI Xing-hu, JIANG Lei, SONG Ling-jun. Numerical Simulation of Reactor for Methanol Steam Reforming in Automobile[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2007, 20(1): 70-73.

李 聪, 李兴虎, 姜 磊, 宋凌珺. 数值研究车载甲醇重整制氢反应器[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2007, 20(1): 70-73.

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