Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2008, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 68-72.

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Numerical Simulation on the Surface-Contact Problem of

CHEN Jia-qing, JIAO Xiang-dong, QIU Zong-yi, ZHANG Bao-sheng, CHEN Zhong-hai   

  1. Research Centre of Offshore Engineering Joining Technology, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical  Technology, Beijing 102617,P. R. China)
  • Received:2008-04-10 Published:2008-12-20 Online:2017-07-05

基于MSC .Marc 的摩擦叠焊面接触问题数值模拟

陈家庆,  焦向东,  邱宗义,  张宝生,  陈忠海   

  1. (北京石油化工学院海洋工程连接技术研究中心, 北京 102617
  • 作者简介:陈家庆(1970 -), 男, 湖北宜昌市, 教授, 博士
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(50675022);国家863 计划海洋技术领域2006 年度专题课题(2006AA09Z329);2007 年度北京市自然科学基金项目(3073017)

Abstract: aking the surface-contact model between rigid flat punch and elastic half-space as the research subject, and through comparing the results of analytical solution and numerical simulation by the finite element method (FEM) software MSC.Marc, it is determined that the non-uniform meshing method and the third grade FEM calculation are reliable as to the surface-contact problem with definite contact area. For the most fundamental surface-contact problem involved with friction hydro pillar processing in friction stitch welding, the normal stress on the contact surface increases quadratically from center to the marginal side. The diameter of the metal stud and the applied external load has more influence to the distribution of normal stress on the contact surface, while the influence of radial clearance, the material combination between the metal stud and the predrilled hole are relatively small.

Key words: Surface contact , Finite element method (FEM) ,  Friction hydro pillar processing (FHPP) , Elasto-static mechanics

摘要: 选用刚性平冲头与弹性半空间的经典面接触模型为研究对象, 通过解析解与M SC .Mar c 有限元数值
模拟结果的比较, 确定了偏斜网格以及3 级有限元计算对已知接触区域面接触问题的可靠性。对于摩擦叠焊单元成
形过程所涉及的基本弹性静力学面接触问题而言, 接触面上的法向应力分布从中心向边缘以二次曲线的形式逐渐
增大;金属棒直径、轴向外载荷对接触面上法向应力的分布情况影响较大, 而径向间隙、不同材料组合对其的影响相

关键词: 面接触 , 有限元 , 摩擦液柱成形 , 弹性静力学

Cite this article

CHEN Jia-qing, JIAO Xiang-dong, QIU Zong-yi, ZHANG Bao-sheng, CHEN Zhong-hai. Numerical Simulation on the Surface-Contact Problem of[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2008, 21(4): 68-72.

陈家庆,  焦向东,  邱宗义,  张宝生,  陈忠海. 基于MSC .Marc 的摩擦叠焊面接触问题数值模拟[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2008, 21(4): 68-72.

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