Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2008, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 26-29.

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he Effects of Modification on the Surface Acidity of Zeolite and  Alkylation Activity of Thiophenic Derivative With Olefins

LIU Xing-li, LI Yong-hong, ZHAO Yu-zhi, XIA Shu-qian, YANG Chang-sheng   

    Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology, Ministry of Education, School of Chemical 
    Engineering & Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,P.R.China)
  • Received:2007-11-04 Published:2008-12-20 Online:2017-07-05


刘兴利,  李永红,  赵玉芝,  夏淑倩,  杨长生   

  1. (天津大学化工学院绿色合成与转化教育部重点实验室, 天津300072
  • 作者简介:刘兴利(1982 -), 女, 河北石家庄市, 硕士研究生
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Zeolite NaY and Naβ were modified by cation exchange and hydrothermal treatment to make a series of modified catalysts, including HY, USY, CeY, MgY, Hβ and USβ. The catalytic activities of the modified catalysts for the alkylation of thiophenic derivative with olefins in FCC gasoline were investigated. The surface acidity of modified zeolite had been studied by FT-IR. The results show that Y zeolite exchanged by ammonium have much more acid than β zeolite. The volume of B acid and L acid of USY increased to 868.583 μmol/g and 972.869 μmol/g , while L acid is mainly in the form of weak acid. The volumes of B acid and L acid of USβ also increase with the decreasing of strong B acid and increasing of strong L acid. The volume of total acid of MgY is slightly lower than HY, but with only 86.742 μmol/g strong B acid and only 31.335 μmol/g strong L acid. The volumes of total B acid and strong B acid of CeY are slightly lower than USY, with only 58.308 μmol/g total L acid and non of strong L acid. Through the analysis of surface acidity of zeolite and alkylation activity, it shows that the more total B acid and strong B acid (except HY), the higher conversion of sulfur compounds below 100 ℃ fraction of FCC gasoline. Strong L acid is not conducive to the alkylation. The strong B acid is the main active site of alkylation.

Key words: Zeolite , Modification , Alkylation desulfurization , Acidity , FCC gasoline

摘要: 对Na 型分子筛分别进行不同性质的阳离子交换和热处理, 得到了HY , USY , CeY , MgY , Hβ 和USβ
系列改性分子筛催化剂, 并考察了改性分子筛催化FCC 汽油烷基化脱硫的活性。通过吡啶吸附红外光谱表征, 研究
了改性对分子筛的表面酸性和催化活性的影响规律。结果表明, 铵改性Y 分子筛的酸量远远大于β 分子筛。USY
的B 酸量、L 酸量分别增大到了868.583 , 972 .869 μmo l/ g , 其中L 酸主要以弱酸的形式存在。USβ 的B 酸量、L 酸量
也有所增加, 但是强B酸量降低, 强L酸量增加。Mg 2+ 改性后的NaY 分子筛总酸仅次于HY , 但强B 酸量仅为
86 .742 μmo l/ g , 强L 酸量仅为31 .335 μmol/ g ;Ce3+改性后的NaY 分子筛总B 酸量和强B 酸量仅次于USY, L 酸量
仅为58 .308 μmol/ g , 但无强L 酸。结合小于100 ℃馏分段硫的转化率得出, 总B 酸量越多, 且强B 酸量越多(HY
除外), 小于100 ℃馏分段硫的转化率越高。强L 酸不利于噻吩类硫化物的烷基化反应。对于β 分子筛, 强B 酸中心

关键词: 分子筛 , 改性 , 烷基化脱硫 , 酸性 , FCC 汽油

Cite this article

LIU Xing-li, LI Yong-hong, ZHAO Yu-zhi, XIA Shu-qian, YANG Chang-sheng. he Effects of Modification on the Surface Acidity of Zeolite and  Alkylation Activity of Thiophenic Derivative With Olefins[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2008, 21(4): 26-29.

刘兴利,  李永红,  赵玉芝,  夏淑倩,  杨长生. 改性对分子筛酸性和烷基化脱硫性能的影响[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2008, 21(4): 26-29.

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