Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2015, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 41-48.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2015.05.009

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Experiment on Influential Factors for Fractured Gas Well and Optimization in Fracturing Design


  1. (1. Engineering Research Institute, Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company, PetroChina, Guanghan Sichuan 618300,China;  2. Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering of MOE, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249,China)
  • Received:2015-03-09 Revised:2015-06-10 Published:2015-10-25 Online:2015-10-21


桑 宇1杨胜来2陈 浩2李圣涛1   

    ( 1. 中国石油西南油气田分公司工程技术研究院, 四川广汉6 1 8 3 0 0;
    2. 中国石油大学( 北京) 石油工程教育部重点实验室, 北京1 0 2 2 4 9)
  • 作者简介:桑宇( 1 9 7 5 - ) , 男, 博士研究生, 高级工程师, 从事油气田开发方面的研究; E - m a i l : s a n g y@p e t r o c h i n a. c o m. c n。
  • 基金资助:
    国家9 7 3资助项目: 中国南方海相页岩气高效开发的基础研究( 2 0 1 3 C B 2 2 8 0 0 0) 。

Abstract: The conductivity of artificial fractures and coefficient of nonDarcy gas flow in gas wells are affected by many factors. It is difficult to predict them accurately through mathematical methods. To get a more accurate value through the experiments of actual fracture conductivity, laboratory tests are conducted to measure fracture permeability and nonDarcy flow coefficient βunder different conditions. Computational formula of productivity based on the experimental data is established and the influential factors of the production of the artificial fractured gas well are studied. The results show that closure pressure and sanding concentration are the most important factors affecting the productivity and that gaswater production will greatly decrease the productivity of the gas well. The optimization methods in fracturing design based on the experimental data is set, that is: obtaining fracture permeability and nonDarcy flow coefficient β under different conditions through nonDarcy flow experiments and twophase flow experiments, and then using them to forecast the productivity of fractured gas well, finally optimizing the fractured length, sanding concentration and other parameters accordingly. 

Key words: Artificial fracture,    , Productivity evaluation,    ,  NonDarcy flow,    ,  Gas production with water,    , Fracture conductivity

摘要: 在单、 双相非达西流裂缝导流能力室内实验的基础上, 测定了不同工况下的裂缝渗透率和非达西流 系数, 建立了产量预测方法, 研究了气井压裂后产量的影响因素及敏感程度。研究表明, 闭合应力和铺砂浓度是影 响产量的两个最主要因素, 随着闭合应力增加, 产量降低; 随着铺置浓度增加, 产量升高。而同样的参数变化比例 下, 闭合应力对产量的影响程度明显大于铺置浓度。两相流的存在对产气量影响非常大。压裂井一旦气水同产, 气 产量将明显降低, 对于压后产水的井, 有必要尽可能提高铺砂浓度。在此基础上, 建立了新的压裂设计的优化方法。

关键词: 加砂压裂,  , 产量预测,  , 非达西流,  , 气水同产,  , 裂缝导流能力

Cite this article

Sang Yu,Yang Shenglai,Chen Hao, Li Shengtao. Experiment on Influential Factors for Fractured Gas Well and Optimization in Fracturing Design [J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2015, 28(5): 41-48.

桑 宇, 杨胜来, 陈 浩, 李圣涛. 压裂气井产量影响因素及压裂设计优化方法研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2015, 28(5): 41-48.