Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 58-61.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2014.05.013

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The Influence of Different NonCondensate Gas on High  Pressure Property of Heavy Oil


  1. (1.Improved Recovery Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing  Heilongjiang 163318, China; 2. Engineering Training Center, Harbin University of Science and Technology,  Harbin Heilongjiang 150080, China; 3.Downhole Operation Company, Sinopec Shengli Petroleum  Engineering Company, Dongying Shandong 257000, China)
  • Received:2014-04-29 Revised:2014-05-28 Published:2014-10-25 Online:2014-12-19


赵明国1,  张成君1,  陈明明2,  王 鹏1,  高立明3   

  1. ( 1. 东北石油大学提高采收率教育部重点实验室, 黑龙江大庆1 6 3 3 1 8; 2. 哈尔滨理工大学工程训练中心,
    黑龙江哈尔滨1 5 0 0 8 0; 3. 中国石化胜利石油工程有限公司井下作业公司, 山东东营2 5 7 0 0 0)
  • 作者简介:赵明国( 1 9 6 3 - ) , 男, 博士, 教授, 从事提高油气采收率技术与低渗透油田开发技术研究; E - m a i l : z h a o m i n g g u o 6 3@1 6 3. c o m。
  • 基金资助:
    国家科技重大专项“ CO2 提高油田动用率和采收率技术” ( 2 0 0 8 z x 0 5 0 1 6 - 0 0 4) 。

Abstract: The southern part of Qinhuangdao 331 oil field is a heavy oil field which has not been exploited. The mode of thermal recovery is considered unusually in the early of exploitation. The design of thermal recovery mode depends on mass experimental data. Based on the indoor physical simulation, the influence of different noncondensate gas on high temperature and high pressure property of heavy oil is studied with a set of experiment instrument which support high temperature and high pressure. The results show that the volume ratio of CO2 dissolved in heavy oil of the southern part of Qinhuangdao 331 oil field is higher than N2 obviously, and the reduction rate of CO2 is 30%~90%. The lower temperature and greater pressure make CO2 reduce the viscosity of heavy oil more effectively. In different experiment temperature and pressure conditions, the N2 viscosity reducing extent is lower than 20%, and the dissolving capacity and viscosity reducing effect of flue gas is between N2 and CO2.

Key words: Noncondensate gas,    ,  Heavy oil,     ,  Viscosity reduction rate,    , Volume ratio

摘要: QHD 3 3 - 1南油田是一个已勘探发现但尚未动用的稠油油田, 跟以往稠油油田开发不同, 油田立足于以热采开发方式为主的前期开发, 热采开发方案设计需要大量的室内实验数据。基于室内物理模拟, 采用高温高压实验仪器, 开展了多种非凝析气对稠油高温高压热物性影响的研究。结果表明, QHD 3 3 - 1南油田稠油在相同温度和压力下溶解CO2 与油体积比明显高于N2, 溶解CO2 的降黏率可达3 0%~9 0%, 温度越低, 压力越大, 溶解CO2 的降黏作用越明显; 在实验温度和压力下溶解 N2 降黏幅度均低于2 0%; 烟道气的溶解能力及降黏效果高于 N2, 低于 CO2

关键词: 非凝析气,    ,  稠油,   ,  降黏率,   ,  , 体积比

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Zhao Mingguo,Zhang Chengjun,Chen Mingming,et al. The Influence of Different NonCondensate Gas on High  Pressure Property of Heavy Oil[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2014, 27(5): 58-61.

赵明国, 张成君, 陈明明. 不同非凝析气对稠油高压物性的影响[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2014, 27(5): 58-61.