Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 17-21.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2014.01.004

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Kinetics of Selective Hydrogenation of PAHs in the Extracted FCCS  over N i - Mo / S i O2 - A l 2O3  Catalyst


  1. (Key Laboratory for Fine Petrochemical Industry of Jiangsu Province, Changzhou University, Changzhou Jiangsu 213164, China)
  • Received:2013-06-07 Revised:2013-07-03 Published:2014-02-25 Online:2014-06-10

油浆抽提油在N i - Mo / S i O2 - A l 2O3 催化剂上加氢脱除P AH s动力学


  1. ( 常州大学江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室, 江苏常州2 1 3 1 6 4)
  • 通讯作者: 杨基和( 1 9 5 5 - ) , 女, 博士, 教授, 从事石油加工研究; E- m a i l : y a n g j i h e 2 8 7 3@1 2 6. c o m。
  • 作者简介:谷云格( 1 9 8 7 - ) , 男, 硕士研究生, 从事石油加工研究; E- m a i l : g u y u n g e 2 0 0 8@1 2 6. c o m。
  • 基金资助:
    化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室资助项目( C R E -2 0 1 3 - C - 3 0 1) 。

Abstract: Selective hydrogenation of PAHs in the extracted FCCS over  N i - Mo / S i O2 - A l 2O3 catalyst was studied in a high pressure batch autoclave. Experiments were carried out under the conditions of reaction temperature 260~320 ℃, hydrogen pressure 4~7 MPa, reaction time 2~6 h and the ratio of catalyst to oil 0.2~0.5. According to the most important factors of selective hydrogenation of PAHs, the power function kinetics equation was established. The Differential method and Newton iteration method were adopted to estimate the nonlinear parameters of the model. The results show that the calculated reaction order is 1.14 and the activation energy is 44.33 kJ/mol. The average relative deviation of experimental data and model prediction data is 1.41%.

Key words: Catalytic cracking oil slurry,    ,  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonn,    ,  Selective hydrogenation,    ,  Kinetics equation

摘要: 采用高压釜反应器, 在反应温度为2 6 0~3 2 0曟、 氢分压为4~7MP a、 反应时间为2~6h及剂油质量比为0. 2~0. 5的条件下, 考察了催化裂化油浆( F C C S) 抽提油在 N i - Mo / S i O2 - A l 2O3  催化剂上选择性加氢脱除多环芳烃( P AH s ) 的反应规律, 针对影响加氢脱除 P AH s反应的几个最重要的因素, 建立了油浆抽提油选择加氢脱P AH s的幂函数型动力学方程。以微分法和牛顿迭代法对动力学数据进行非线性参数估值, 确定了加氢脱除P AH s的动力学模型参数。研究表明, 油浆抽提油选择性加氢脱 P AH s反应的动力学反应级数为1. 1 4, 表观活化能为4 4 . 3 3k J /m o l , 实验值与模型预测值平均相对偏差为1. 4 1%。

关键词: 催化裂化油浆,    , 多环芳烃,    , 选择性加氢,    , 动力学方程

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Gu Yunge, Cui Wenlong, Yang Jihe, Liu Yingjie. Kinetics of Selective Hydrogenation of PAHs in the Extracted FCCS  over N i - Mo / S i O2 - A l 2O3  Catalyst[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2014, 27(1): 17-21.

谷云格, 崔文龙, 杨基和, 刘英杰. 油浆抽提油在N i - Mo / S i O2 - A l 2O3 催化剂上加氢脱除P AH s动力学[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2014, 27(1): 17-21.