Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2011, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (6): 42-45.DOI: 10.3696/j.issn.1006-396X.2011.06.011

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Synthesis of Xanthan Gum/AMPS/Bentonite Composite Water Plugging Agent for Oil Field


  1. 1.Bohai ShipbuildingVocational College, Huludao Liaoning 125000, P.R.China;
    2.Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Liaoning 116024, P.R.China
  • Received:2011-11-22 Published:2011-12-25 Online:2011-12-25



  1. 1.渤海船舶职业学院;2.大连理工大学
  • 作者简介:李辉(1967-),男,辽宁铁岭市,教授
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Xanthan gum(XG)/2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid(AMPS)/bentonite composite water plugging agent for oil field was synthesized by aqueous solution polymerization. Effect of the amount of AMPS, bentonite, crosslinking agent and initiator on waterabsorption capacity of water shutoff agent were investigated. Waterabsorbency and water retaining rate of the water shutoff agent at different temperature were tested. NaCl concentration on waterabsorption capacity of water shutoff agent were researched. The results show that the optimum process conditions were obtained as follows: w(bentonite) is 15%, w(AMPS) is 3%, w(crosslinking agent) is 2%, w(initiator) is 2.5%, and reaction temperature is 40 ℃ for 4 hours. Under the optimum technological conditions, with the environmental temperature of 20 ℃, waterabsorbency for deionized water and 0.9% NaCl solution of the water plugging agent for oil field are respectively 1 677 g/g,165 g/g. With the environmental temperature of 80 ℃, waterabsorbency for deionized water of the water plugging agent for oil field are respectively 1 590 g/g,within 12 h can hold water over 20%, which possessed a good thermal stability and salt tolerance.

Key words:

摘要: 通过水溶液法制备了一种黄原胶/2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)/膨润土三元复合型油田堵水剂,考察了2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸、膨润土、交联剂以及引发剂质量分数等因素对堵水剂吸水率的影响,测试了不同温度下堵水剂的吸水倍率和保水值,研究了堵水剂对不同质量分数NaCl溶液的吸水性能。结果表明,最佳的制备工艺:膨润土的质量分数为15%,AMPS的质量分数为3%,交联剂的的质量分数为2%,引发剂的质量分数为2.5%,在60 ℃的温度下反应4 h,在最佳工艺下,环境温度20 ℃时,堵水剂的吸去离子水的倍率最高达到1 677 g/g,吸质量分数0.9% NaCl溶液的倍率为165 g/g;环境温度80 ℃的高温下仍保持着1 590 g/g的吸水倍率,12 h后仍能保水20%以上,具有良好的热稳定性和耐盐性。

关键词: 黄原胶 , 2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸 , 膨润土 , 油田堵水剂

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LI Hui,LI Yu-jian.

Synthesis of Xanthan Gum/AMPS/Bentonite Composite Water Plugging Agent for Oil Field
[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2011, 24(6): 42-45.

李辉,李宇剑. 黄原胶/AMPS/膨润土制备油田堵水剂的研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2011, 24(6): 42-45.