Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2012, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (6): 34-38.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-396X.2012.06.009

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Two-Stage Hydrogenation Process of C5 Fraction


  1. 1.School of Petrochemical technology,Liaoning Shihua University,Fushun Liaoning 113001,P.R.China; 2. PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Chengdu Sichuan 611930,P.R.China
  • Received:2012-03-26 Published:2012-12-25 Online:2012-12-25


马国东1,曹祖宾1* ,徐凯勃2   

  1. 1.辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院,辽宁抚顺113001;2.中国石油四川石化有限责任公司,四川成都611930
  • 作者简介:马国东(1983-),男,山东聊城市,在读硕士

Abstract: The saturation of olefins in C5 fractions by two-stage hydrogenation technology has been studied, and the optimum conditions of the process can be determined by iodine value and bromine value tests on the products of first-stage and second-stage hydrogenation. The results show that optimum process conditions of 1st-stage hydrogenation is as followed: reaction pressure 3 MPa, reaction temperature 60 ℃, space velocity 2 h-1 ,hydrogen-oil ratio 300∶1; and that of the 2nd-stage process: reaction pressure 3 MPa, reaction temperature 160 ℃, space velocity 2 h-1, hydrogen-oil ratio 200∶1. Under above optimum conditions, the iodine value of the product declined from 16.3 g(I)/100 g to 0.1 g(I)/100 g, and diolefin saturation level reached almost 100%;bromine value declined from 81.4 g(Br)/100g to 2.5 g(Br)/100g.

Key words: C5 fraction,    , Hydrogenation,    ,  Catalyst,    ,  Bromine value,    ,  Iodine value

摘要: 采用两段加氢技术,使碳五馏分油烯烃加氢饱和,通过对一段加氢产品和二段加氢产品分别用碘价和溴价分析研究得出两段加氢工艺各自最佳的工艺条件。实验结果表明,在一段加氢最佳工艺条件:压力为3 MPa、反应温度为60 ℃、空速为2 h-1、氢油体积比为300∶1和二段加氢最佳工艺条件:压力为3 MPa、反应温度为160 ℃、空速为2 h-1、氢油体积比为200∶1下加氢试验后碳五馏分碘价由16.3 g(I)/100 g下降到了0.1 g(I)/100 g,双烯烃的饱和程度几乎达到100%,溴价由81.4 g(Br)/100 g下降到2.5 g(Br)/100 g。

关键词: 碳五馏分油 , 加氢 , 催化剂 , 溴价 , 碘价

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MA Guo-dong,CAO Zu-bin,XU Kai-bo. Two-Stage Hydrogenation Process of C5 Fraction[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2012, 25(6): 34-38.

马国东,曹祖宾,徐凯勃. 碳五馏分两段加氢工艺研究[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2012, 25(6): 34-38.