Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2023, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 75-80.DOI: 10.12422/j.issn.1006-396X.2023.04.011

• Alternative Fuels and New Materials • Previous Articles    

Synthesis and Application of a Novel Polyurethane Demulsifier

Qiang Wei1,2(), Shaopeng Liu1,2(), Chao Xu1,2, Jing Wang1,2, Jun Li1,2   

  1. 1.CNOOC Ener?Tech Oilfield Chemical Company,Ltd. ,Tianjin 300452,China
    2.CNOOC EnerTech?Drilling & Production Co. ,Tianjin 300452,China
  • Received:2022-06-02 Revised:2022-07-06 Published:2023-08-25 Online:2023-09-05
  • Contact: Shaopeng Liu


魏强1,2(), 刘少鹏1,2(), 徐超1,2, 王晶1,2, 李军1,2   

  1. 1.中海油(天津)油田化工有限公司,天津 300452
    2.中海油能源发展股份有限公司 工程技术分公司,天津 300452
  • 通讯作者: 刘少鹏
  • 作者简介:魏强(1977⁃),男,博士,高级工程师,从事油田化学研究及生产应用方面的研究;E⁃
  • 基金资助:


After the application of a non?ionic polyether clear water agent in an oilfield in the Bohai Sea,the difficulty of dewatering crude oil in the downstream terminal treatment plant increased,and the water content of the outgoing crude oil frequently exceeded the standard.The Effect of nonionic polyether water clarifier on crude oil dehydration was researched,the reasons of difficulty in dewatering were analysed,and the emulsion could not be treated by conventional polyether demulsifier.Polyamines were synthesised from dimethylamine,dodecyl dimethyl tertiary amine and epichlorohydrin,while polyethylene?polyamines were used as cross?linking agents to synthesise polyamine copolymer emulsion breakers.The emulsion breaker can reduce the water content of the external crude oil to less than 0.5% at a concentration of 80 mg/L,and reduce the static dewatering time of the crude oil from more than 120 h to less than 48 h.This effectively solves the problem of excessive water content in the external crude oil of the terminal treatment plant.

Key words: Polyamine demulsifier, Nonionic polyether water clarifier, Zeta potential, Emulsion, Adsorption, Heary oil


渤海某油田应用非离子聚醚清水剂后,下游终端处理厂原油脱水难度增大,外输原油含水率频繁超标。通过探究非离子聚醚清水剂对原油脱水效果的影响,分析了终端处理厂原油脱水困难的原因。结果表明,常规聚醚类破乳剂无法处理此类原油;以二甲胺、十二烷基二甲基叔胺、环氧氯丙烷为原料合成聚胺,以多乙烯多胺为交联剂合成聚胺破乳剂,加注该破乳剂80 mg/L后,可将外输原油含水率降至0.5%以内,原油静置脱水时间从大于120 h降至48 h以内,有效解决了终端处理厂外输原油含水超标的问题。

关键词: 聚胺破乳剂, 非离子聚醚清水剂, Zeta电位, 乳化液, 吸附, 稠油

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Cite this article

Qiang Wei, Shaopeng Liu, Chao Xu, Jing Wang, Jun Li. Synthesis and Application of a Novel Polyurethane Demulsifier[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2023, 36(4): 75-80.

魏强, 刘少鹏, 徐超, 王晶, 李军. 新型聚胺破乳剂的合成与应用[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2023, 36(4): 75-80.