Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2013, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 44-48.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006396X.2013.03.011

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Analysis of Acid Composition and Base Composition from LowTemperature Coal Tar by GCMS


  1. (1. School of Chemistry and Material Science, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun Liaoning 113001, China; 2. Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Fushun Liaoning 113001, China)
  • Received:2013-03-02 Published:2013-06-25 Online:2013-06-25


吴婷1,2,凌凤香2* ,马波1,王少军2,吴洪新2   

  1. (1.辽宁石油化工大学化学与材料科学学院,辽宁抚顺113001;2.中国石化抚顺石油化工研究院,辽宁抚顺113001)
  • 作者简介:吴婷(1987-),女,辽宁抚顺市,在读硕士。

Abstract: Through the separation of the group composition by acidbase extract,Xinjiang lowtemperature coal tar has been divided into three different groups including acidcomposition, basecomposition and neutralcomposition. The acidextract and baseextract were analyzed with GC/MS and elemental analysis. The results show that 74 kinds of compounds are analyzed from acid composition. All of them are oxygenated compounds and the content is 95.4%. The main compounds in acidcomposition are lowrank phenols, C3C4 alkylphenols, naphthols and indenols. 57 kinds of compounds are in basecomposition and 55 nitrogenous compounds in them. The content of nitrogenous compounds is 65.5%, mainly are phenylamine, quinoline, benzazole, pyridine and acridine.

Key words: Lowtemperature coal tar,    , GC/MS,    ,  Acid composition,    ,  Base composition

摘要: 采用酸碱溶液萃取的方法将新疆低温煤焦油分离为酸性、碱性及中性组分。利用GC灢MS色质联用仪及元素分析仪,对酸性组分和碱性组分的化学组成和结构进行定性定量分析。结果表明,新疆低温煤焦油酸性组分中共检测出质量分数不小于0.1%的化合物共74种,且全部为含氧化合物,其质量分数为95.4%;大部分为苯酚、C3灢C4烷基酚、萘酚和茚酚。碱性组分中检测出质量分数不小于0.1%的化合物共57种,含氮化合物有57种,其质量分数为65.5%,主要由苯胺类、喹啉类、吲哚、吡啶、吖啶等氮杂环化合物组成。

关键词: 低温煤焦油 , GC/MS , 酸性组分 , 碱性组分

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WU Ting,LING Fengxiang,MA Bo,et al. Analysis of Acid Composition and Base Composition from LowTemperature Coal Tar by GCMS[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2013, 26(3): 44-48.

吴婷,凌凤香,马波,王少军,吴洪新. GC-MS分析低温煤焦油酸性组分及碱性组分[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2013, 26(3): 44-48.