Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2009, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 56-60.

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Gasoline Vapor Recovery Based on Integrated Technology of Absorption - Adsorption


  1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Technology,Jiangsu Polytechnic University,Changzhou Jiangsu 213016,P. R. China
  • Received:2008-04-17 Revised:2008-10-23 Published:2009-03-25 Online:2009-03-25


黄维秋, 徐效梅, 林 毅, 刘 海   

  1. 江苏工业学院江苏省油气储运技术重点实验室,江苏常州213016
  • 作者简介:黄维秋(1965 -), 男, 福建莆田市, 教授, 博士
  • 基金资助:
    江苏省“ 六大人才高峰” 资助项目(06 -A -042);江苏省常州市工业科技攻关计划资助项目(CE2007085)


Two tests were designed to investigate activated carbon adsorbing gasoline vapor. In the inlet vapor-air mixture of the adsorption towers, the vapor volume fractions were 0.05 and 0.40, and the mixture flow were 40 m3/h and 65 m3/h respectively. The test results show that their recovery rate are above 95%, but test I appeared lower heat effect in carbon bed than test II, because the temperature increase in their beds were 43.1 ℃ and 72.2 ℃ respectively. A new integrated technology of absorption-adsorption for gasoline vapor recovery was developed. The recovery rate is up to 99.6%, and the outlet vapor volume fraction can be controlled below 0.003 2. Heat effect in the new carbon bed is the lowest, because the temperature increase in the bed is below 35 ℃. The integrated system will repay lower investment than the single absorption and higher safety than the single adsorption. The integrated system will appear distinct comprehensive benefit. 

Key words: Petroleum , Vapor recovery , Activated carbon , Absorption , Adsorption , Integrated technology

摘要: 设计2个油气吸附回收实验来比较活性炭吸附油气的效果。该吸附塔进口油气体积分数分别为0 .05,0 .40,进口混合气流量分别为40,65 m3/h。实验结果表明,二者回收率高达95%以上,但实验I 热效应明显比实验II低,两者炭床温升分别为43 .1℃和 72 .2℃。为此开发出吸收吸附集成回收工艺,其回收率可达到 99 .6% ,尾气油气体积分数可控制在0 .003 2以下,而且吸附塔热效应小,炭床温升小于35℃。该集成系统投资比单纯的吸收法低,安全性比单纯的吸附法高,综合效益显著。

关键词: 石油 , 油气回收 , 活性炭 , 吸收 , 吸附 , 集成工艺

Cite this article

HUANG Wei-qiu,XU Xiao-mei,LIN Yi,LIU Hai. Gasoline Vapor Recovery Based on Integrated Technology of Absorption - Adsorption [J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2009, 22(1): 56-60.

黄维秋, 徐效梅, 林 毅, 刘 海. 基于吸收和吸附的油气回收集成工艺[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2009, 22(1): 56-60.

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