Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2009, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 5-8.

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Preliminary Study on Drilling Wastewater Correlated With Three -Sulfonated Mud System Treatment With Aerobic Process


  1. Research Center for Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Chemical Science & Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, P.R.China
  • Received:2007-12-26 Revised:2008-09-11 Published:2009-03-25 Online:2009-03-25


郭振英, 吕荣湖, 张红岩, 张志勇, 孙惠东   

  1. 中国石油大学(北京)化工学院环境研究中心,北京102249
  • 作者简介:郭振英(1984 -), 女, 山西吕梁市, 在读硕士
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Drilling wastewater correlated with three-sulfonated mud system hardly reach the standard just by coagulation process,and it costs too much by other physicochemical processes.According to these characteristics of drilling wastewater correlated with three-sulfonated mud system,UV/Fenton-aerobic process was intended to use. Water quality, oxygen uptake rate (OUR)and shake-flask culture method were mensurated to assess biodegradability of the drilling wastewater which was treated by UV/Fenton oxidation.After treating the wastewater,the dehydrogenase activity (DHA) of the activated sludge was tested.The results show that the wastewater have good biodegradable possibility.When the mixed liquor suspended
solids (MLSS) is 3000 mg/L,the removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD) can reach to 60.7% and the removal rate of biological oxygen demand (BOD) can reach to 9402% in 4 h by batch wastewater biotreatment.It proves that UV/Fenton-aerobic process is feasible to the drilling wastewater.

Key words: Aerobic process , Drilling wastewater , Biodegradability , UV/Fenton oxidation

摘要: 针对采用混凝法处理磺化泥浆体系钻井废水难以达标排放,采用其它物化法处理成本太高的问题,预期采用 UV/Fenton氧化-好氧生物法处理。对经UV/Fenton氧化后的磺化泥浆体系的钻井废水用水质评价法、生化呼吸曲线法和摇床模拟实验3种方法进行了可生化性评价,然后通过间歇式生物处理小试考察了好氧生物法对废水的处理效果,并测定处理钻井废水后污泥的脱氢酶活性(DHA)。结果表明,经UV/Fenton氧化后的磺化泥浆体系钻井废水的可生化性较好,但对其处理时仍需要先进行菌种驯化;污泥经摇床驯化后,在间歇式生物处理小试中,混合液悬浮固体质量浓度(MLSS)为3 000 mg/ L左右,水力停留时间为4 h时,出水化学需氧量(COD)去除率最大可达60 .7%,生化需氧量(BOD)去除率最大可达94 .2%,而且此时污泥活性较高。初步证明了用UV/ Fenton 氧化-好氧生物法处理钻井废水是可行的。

关键词: 好氧生物法 , 钻井废水 , 可生化性 , UV/Fenton 氧化

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GUO Zhen-ying, Lv Rong-hu,ZHANG Hong-yan,et al. Preliminary Study on Drilling Wastewater Correlated With Three -Sulfonated Mud System Treatment With Aerobic Process[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2009, 22(1): 5-8.

郭振英, 吕荣湖, 张红岩, 张志勇, 孙惠东. 生物法处理磺化泥浆体系钻井废水的可行性初探[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2009, 22(1): 5-8.

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