Journal of Petrochemical Universities ›› 2008, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 83-87.

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Numerical Simulation of Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics Through  a Helical Coiled Tube With Constant Heat Flux for Laminar Flow

WU Shuang-ying, CHEN Su-jun, LI You-rong, LI Long-jian   

  1. College of Power Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, P.R. China
  • Received:2007-11-12 Published:2008-09-20 Online:2017-06-28


吴双应, 陈素君, 李友荣, 李隆键   

  1. 重庆大学动力工程学院,重庆400044
  • 作者简介:吴双应(1968-),男,安徽桐城市,副教授,博士
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: A numerical method for simulating the developments and distributions of heat transfer and flow fields was proposed. The effects of Reynolds number, curvature ratio, and coil pitch on the average friction factor, average Nusselt number at different axial cross-sections and the total entropy generation rate in a helical coiled tube with uniform heat flux was presented when Reynolds number is 200~1 000, dimensionless pitch 0.1~0.2 and dimensionless curvature ratio 0.1~0.3. The results show that the effect of the secondary flow is enhanced with the increase of turning angle, the maximum velocity perpendicular to axial cross section shifts toward the outer side of helical coiled tube and two Dean roll cells appear with the increase of axial turning angle. Furthermore, the average friction factor, average Nusselt number at different axial cross-sections and the total entropy generation rate present different characteristics when the Reynolds number, curvature ratio and pitch change. Compared with the curvature ratio, the pitch has relatively little influence on convective heat transfer performance and the total entropy generation. In the meantime, the entropy generation caused by viscous flow is much less than that caused by heat transfer and can be neglected.

Key words: Laminar flow convection ,  Helical coiled tube ,  Thermal-hydraulic performance ,  Numerical simulation

摘要: 在恒热流工况下,数值模拟雷诺数为200~1000,无量纲螺距为0.1~0.2,曲率为0.1~0.3的螺旋管

关键词: 层流换热 ,  螺旋管 ,  热力性能 ,  数值模拟

Cite this article

WU Shuang-ying, CHEN Su-jun, LI You-rong, LI Long-jian. Numerical Simulation of Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics Through  a Helical Coiled Tube With Constant Heat Flux for Laminar Flow[J]. Journal of Petrochemical Universities, 2008, 21(3): 83-87.

吴双应, 陈素君, 李友荣, 李隆键. 恒热流工况下螺旋管内层流换热性能数值模拟[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报, 2008, 21(3): 83-87.

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